Pohakuloa Training Area's hunting program supports wildlife management and wildlife-oriented recreation in accordance with applicable federal and Army requirements that are consistent with the use of the military installation and do not conflict with its missions. As a military training area; PTA's primary mission is to support military training, and is absent of areas solely designated for recreational purposes only (i.e., hunting).
Recreational hunting opportunities provided at PTA are a privilege; they are not a right.
PTA utilizes a third-party website, iSportsman ⚠, to manage its hunting program. All users must register via the iSportsman system.
General Rules
- Firearms, alcoholic beverages, all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes and/or recreational vehicles, smoking and/or open flames are not allowed in the training and hunting areas.
- All hunters must have a valid state hunting permit and must sign in at the check-in stations. Vehicle passes are given at these check-in stations and must be displayed in the vehicle. Hunters who do not have a signed hunting pass on their dashboard will be barred from hunting for 30 days.
- Hunting is generally only allowed on weekends in the designated areas.
- Report all unusual activities to the Military Police at (808) 969-2429 as soon as possible. For all emergencies call 911. Report all fires to the PTA Fire Department immediately at (808) 969-2447 or (808) 969-2448.
- All equipment within government property and all fenced-in areas is off limits. Cooper’s Airstrip in Training Area 3 is off limits.
- Any vandalism, theft or destruction of government property will close all hunting and recreational activities for a minimum of 30 days.
- Parking is allowed in designated areas only. Don’t park in or block roads, grass or brush areas, or runways.
- Close all gates upon entering and exiting hunting areas.
To be eligible to participate in hunting on PTA you must possess, or have accomplished, the following:
- Must possess a valid Hunter Certification Card.
- Must possess all required state and federal hunting licenses as well as stamps for the species that will be hunted.
- Create a user profile in the iSportsman ⚠ system. All hunters must familiarize themselves with the service, as it will be the only mechanism available to hunters to access PTA for recreational hunting.
- To gain access at PTA two prerequisites or validations (e.g., criminal history check, safety briefing) are required. All validations expire at the end of the permitting season, June 30. All validations must be renewed for each new permitting season.
- A criminal history check must be completed before being granted access to PTA.
- A PTA safety briefing video must be viewed . All hunters must take a quiz on the safety material and pass before being granted access to PTA.
The safety video and quiz are located on the PTA iSportsman ⚠ website. The iSportsman ⚠ system will not allow hunters to acquire permits until the PTA safety video and quiz have been completed. This validation expires at the end of the permitting season (June 30). - All firearms used for hunting at PTA must be registered
at PTA. Only hunters participating in fall upland game bird or spring bearded turkey hunts must complete this validation. Firearms are not permitted for mammal hunting on PTA. - Purchase or obtain the appropriate PTA hunting permit(s) via the iSportsman ⚠ service.
Firearms Registration
All firearms to be used on a military installation for recreational purposes must be registered with the installation. For hunters participating in fall upland game bird or spring bearded turkey hunts, a firearms registration must
be secured with this validation.
To register a firearm a hunter must complete and fax the firearm registration form (available on the iSportsman ⚠ website) to the Pohakuloa PTA Police (808) 969-2432 or mail it to:
U.S. Army Garrison Pohakuloa
ATTN: Conservation Law Enforcement Officer
P.O. Box 4607
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Once the registration has been reviewed and approved by the PTA CLEO, a validation of the firearm registration will be updated to the hunter's iSportsman ⚠ account.
Unless the firearm is sold or otherwise changes ownership,
that firearm will remain on file with the Military Police, and additional registration is not required.
Firearms owners are required to notify the Military
Police of any change in registration information. Hunters will not be able to obtain an upland game bird or spring bearded turkey hunting permit until the firearm registration has been approved and validated onto their account.