Emergency (on or off post)

Fire: 911

Medical: 911

Police: 911

Ambulance (on or off post)
American Red Cross
For emergency communications: (877) 272-7337 Hilo: (808) 935-8305
Casualty Assistance Office
(808) 655-1199 or (808) 656-3272 (after hours)
Child Abuse Reporting
(808) 832-5300
Child Trafficking Reporting
(808) 832-1999
Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
(808) 624-7233
Fire Department
Emergency: 911 Hawaii Fire Department: (808) 961-8223 Military Fire Department: (808) 969-2448 or (808) 969-2447
Military Family Life Consultants
(808) 222-7088
Military Operator
(808) 449-7110
Military Police
(808) 969-2429, (808) 969-2430 or (808) 969-2431
Nurse Advice Line (Tricare)
(800) 874-2273 Have another type of insurance? Check your insurance card for phone numbers.
Police Department
Emergency: 911 Hawaii Police Department: (808) 935-3311 Military Police: (808) 969-2429, (808) 969-2430 or (808) 969-2431
Sexual Assault Hotline
Department of Defense: (877) 995-5247 U.S. Army Garrison Pōhakuloa: (808) 798-6934
Suicide Prevention Hotline
(800) 273-8255
Teen Dating Abuse Hotline
(866) 331-9474
Veterans Crisis Line
(800) 273-8255