What you need to know about the Presidio of Monterey's Enhanced Security Pedestrian Gate (ESPG) Installation

ESPG Installation Update

During the ESPG installation phase, inbound traffic during high-traffic times might be impacted. Please drive safely and respectfully.
ESPGs are expected to be operational by Fall 2024.

What is an ESPG?

  • An Enhanced Security Pedestrian Gate is a controlled access entry point equipped to grant access to authorized DoD ID card holders through use of a card-swiping device and biometric system. ESPG’s are designed to allow 24/7 entry and exit to gates that have limited working hours. 

Why are they being installed? 

  • The new ESPG access control points provide 24/7 pedestrian access between PoM and the surrounding community. Pedestrians will have to scan their DOD ID and fingerprint inside the ESPG. On weekends and off-hours, those on PoM can enter/exit from gates which they otherwise would not be able to. Pedestrians no longer solely have to use Bolio Gate during off-hours to enter/exit.  ESPG’s also enhance force protection by using a dual identification check system. 

Which gates will have an ESPG? 

  •  ESPG’s are currently being installed at Franklin Gate, High St. Gate and Taylor Gate. 

How does an ESPG work? 

  • The ESPG requires authorized persons to swipe their DoD ID cards to access the inside of the ESPG. Once the person is inside the booth, they must use a biometrics pad for fingerprint verification to open the second door leading to access of the joint base. Further, motion sensors inside the booth detect movement and mass, so attempting to sneak in an extra person, or carrying large objects may trigger the ESPG system to prevent access. To avoid this, people should enter the booth one at a time, minimize movement inside the booth, and avoid carrying large objects. If you have small children, you can enter via this gate--just follow the instructions inside the booth. Anyone can use an ESPG to exit PoM. When exiting through the ESPG, no identification or verification is necessary--simply follow the directions posted on the booth and exit. 

Is registration is required?

  • Authorized DoD ID cards to use the ESPG include DoD Common Access Cards (CACs), as well as military retiree ID cards (DD Form 2, contains bar codes on back) and dependent DoD ID cards will allow access after completing the ESPG registration process. Registration instructions will be posted here when they are available. Those who have not registered for ESPG access must continue to use one of the other gates to access PoM. 

 For more information, contact the PoM Visitor's Center at 831-242-4222 or usarmy.pom.106-sig-bde.list.pres-installationaccess@army.mil