Grocery Store Tips

  • Carts: Insert 1€ coin refundable deposit to unlock
  • Produce
    • Always use a glove to handle produce!
    • Weigh your produce before checking out
  • Bagging:
    • Customers bag their own groceries
    • Bring Your Own Bags or pay 0.10-0.50€/bag
  • Deli/Fish/Cheese/Pastry Counter
    • Take a number and wait for it to be called
    • ½ kilogram (“mezzo chilo”) = 500 grams = 1.1 lbs.
    • 100 grams (“un etto”), 200 grams (“due etti”)



The majority of markets will start around 8:30am and end  around lunch-time. There are two types of markets in Italy.

  • Antique markets “Mercatino dell’Antiquariato”
    • Lucca: 3rd Sun. & proceeding Sat. of Month
    • Arezzo: 1st Sun. & proceeding Sat. of Month
  • Town markets “mercato”: Vendors sell food, home goods,  and clothing.


Thrift Store

Camp Darby Second Chance Thrift Store- located next to PX