*Since March 31, the color-designated regions no longer apply. They were  Regions and Autonomous Provinces classified into four areas - white, yellow, orange, and red. U.S. Army Garrison Italy is in Veneto (Caserma Ederle/Del Din) and Tuscany (Camp Darby). Click here to find out more about the color classifications (Italian Ministry of Health, in English) Click here for a map of Color-coded regions and FAQs (Italian Gov't – Chrome to translate)


Ministry of Health ordinance (Feb. 22) Travel to Italy


ISSUES the following ordinance:

Article 1

Provisions related to entries into Italy

1. If there is no onset of Covid-19 symptoms, entryinto Italy is allowed at the following conditions:

a. Presentation to the carrier at the time of boarding and to anyoneresponsible for carrying out checks of the Passenger Locator Form in digitalformat on one’s own device or in printed paper format;

b. Presentation to the carrierat the time of boarding and to anyone in charge of carrying out checks of oneof the green COVID-19 certifications referred to in article 9, paragraph 2 ofdecree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, or of other certification recognized asequivalent pursuant to measures adopted by the Ministry of Health and with theduration terms established by current EU regulations on the matter.

2. Only in case of failure to present one of theaforementioned certifications, a 5-day quarantine measure is applied at theaddress indicate in the Passenger Locator Form, with the obligation to undergoa molecular or antigenic swab test at the end of said 5 days.

3. The aforementioned certifications can be in paperor digital form.

Movement to and from the Republic of San Marinoand the Vatican State are not subject to limitations nor to declarationobligations.

Article 2


1. Provided that no COVID-19 symptoms arise andwithout prejudice to the obligation to present the Passenger Locator Form, theprovisions of article 1, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 do not apply to:

a) the crews of the means of transport;
b) the on-board staff;
c) cross-border workers either inbound or outbound from the national territoryfor proven reasons of work and for their consequent return to their residence,domicile or dwelling;
d) students attending a course of studies in a State other than their countryof residence, domicile or dwelling to which they return every day or at leastonce a week;
e) anyone travelling across the Italian territory on a private vehicle for nolonger than 36 hours, under the obligation to immediately leave the nationalterritory at the expiry of this deadline or otherwise begin a five-dayself-isolation period at the address indicated in the Passenger Locator Formand take a swab test (molecular or antigen) at the end of this period;
f) anyone returning to the national territory following the permanence of notmore than 48 hours in a foreign region at no more than 60 km from theirresidence, domicile or dwelling, as long as they travel on a private vehicle;
g) in case of a permanence of not more than 48 hours in a national location atno more than 60 km from their residence, domicile or dwelling, as long as themeans of transport is a private vehicle.

2. In the cases of paragraph 1, letters f) and g),the obligation to present the digital Passenger Locator Form does not apply.

Article 3

Obligations for the carriers

1. Carriers must:

a)check (before boarding) the digital Passenger LocatorForm and the possession of one of the certifications referred to in art. 1,paragraph 1, letter b);

b) prohibit boarding to those who show symptoms compatible with Sars-cov-2infection;

c) have the crew and passengers use respiratory protectivedevices and indicate the situations in which they can be temporarily andexceptionally removed;

d) equip (at the time of boarding) passengers who do not have respiratoryprotection devices.

Article 4

Additional provisions for minors

1. Children under 6 years of age are exempted fromhaving to undergo a molecular or antigenic test.

Article 5

Final provisions

1. This ordinance is valid from 1 March until 31March 2022.

2. As of 1 March 2022, the measures of MOHordinances of 28 September 2021, 22 October 2021, 14 December 2021 and 17January 2022 cease to apply.

3. Theprovisions of this ordinance apply to the Special Statute Regions and toAutonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

This ordinance is submitted to the supervisorybodies and published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.

Rome, 22 February 2022 signed by The Minister ofHealth Speranza

Feb. 8, 2022 Italian Health Ministry Memo (Face masks)



Issues the followingordinance:


1 Until31 March 2022, it is mandatory on the whole national territory to wear respiratoryprotective devices in places indoorsother than private houses.

2. Withoutprejudice to the different provisions laid out in specific laws or healthprotocols or guidelines, in placesoutdoors it is mandatory to carry respiratory protective devices and to wear them in cases of gatherings orcrowds.

3. Itis not mandatory towear the respiratory protective devices for:

a. Children under six years of age;

b. Persons with diseases or disabilities incompatible with the useof the mask as well as the persons that have to communicate with a person withdisability in such a way that they cannot use the device;

c. Persons who are carrying out sports activities.

4. Theobligation referred to in paragraph 1 is not valid when, due to the characteristicsof the sites or due to the circumstances, the condition of isolation amongnon-cohabitants is guaranteed continuously. This is, in any case, withoutprejudice to the protocols and the guidelines against the contagion foreconomic, productive, administrative and social activities as well as theguidelines for the consumption of food and drinks in public places or in placesopen to the public.

5. Theprovisions concerning the use of respiratory protective devices may in any casebe derogated exclusively in application of the protocols validated by theTechnical-Scientific Committee.

6. Theuse of the respiratory protective device integrates and does not substitute anyother measures aimed at protection from contagion.

Art. 2

1. Thisordinance is valid from 11February 2022 until 31 March 2022.

2. Theprovisions of this ordinance apply to Special Statute Regions and to AutonomousProvinces of Trento and Bolzano.

This ordinance is submitted to the supervisory bodies and published inthe Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.

Rome, 8 February 2022 signedby The Minister of Health Speranza

Italian Government Decree, January 5, 2022

New Italian Decree - 5 January 2022

Anti-Covid-19 Measures

Super-Green Pass

Super-Green Pass, obtained through two/three vaccine doses or after COVID-19 full recovery. It lasts currently nine months. It will last six months from 1 February.

Green Pass

Green Pass: certifies the negative result of a molecular or antigenic swab or one dose of vaccine. Molecular swab Green Passes last for 72 hours. Antigenic swab Green Passes last for 48 hours.

Italians, Americans, and other nationalities in effect from 10 January

Super-Green Pass is required for all local and national transportation, including trains, buses, and metro. It is also required for all shows (concerts, cinema, theaters, etc.), for any event, hotels, fairs, parties(i.e., marriages), restaurants, and bars (open and closed spaces), for all sports and recreational activities.

Italians, Americans, and other nationalities in effect from 20 January

A Green Pass is required to use barbershops, hairdressers, nail services, massage services, other similar services, and commercial services, with some exceptions for essential services to be announced. A Green Pass is required also to use postal services, banks, insurance offices, other financial services.

Italians only in effect from 15 February

Mandatory vaccination from 15 February to 15 June for all people 50 years old and older.

All personnel, private and public, must possess a Super-Green Pass to be allowed at the workplace to include all schoolteachers and university personnel (no age limit).

Fines: 100 euro for people above 50 refusing vaccination. From 600 euro up to 1500 euro to personnel who work without a Super-Green Pass.


It is recommended to use it to the maximum extent for public and private businesses.

Schools in Italy

Infants - Suspended for ten days for just one COVID-19 positive case.

1st grade to 5th grade - for one COVID case in a class, a mandatory test is prescribed for all students for five days; for two cases, the class stops for ten days.

6th grade to 13th grade - for one case, the FFP2 masks become mandatory to be allowed in class. For two cases, learning distance is mandated for all students with only one or two doses of vaccine o that have recovered from COVID-19 more than four months ago. For three or more cases, require learning distance is mandated for all students for 10 days.

​Minister of Health Ordinance, December 14, 2021

The Ministerof Health

Issues the following ordinance

Article 1

<span lang="EN"></span>

a. Presentation to the carrier at thetime of boarding and to anyone responsible for the checks, of the PassengerLocator Form in digital format on one’s own mobile device or in printed paperformat;

b. Presentation to the carrier at thetime of boarding and to anyone responsible for the checks, of one of the greencertifications pursuant to article 9, paragraph 2, letters a), b) and c-bis) ofthe decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, or of other equivalent certification;

c. Presentation to the carrier at thetime of boarding and to anyone responsible for the checks of a certificateproviding evidence of having undergone a moleculartest carried out by means of a swab and with negative result 48 hours prior to the entry into Italy,OR an antigenic test carried out by means of aswab and with negative result 24 hours prior tothe entry into Italy.”

2. The following is inserted afterparagraph 2, article 3 of the aforementioned ordinance by the Minister ofHealth of 22 October 2021:

“3. In case the certifications referred to inparagraph 2, letter b) are not presented, notwithstanding the obligation of undergoinga molecular or antigenic test as provided for by article 2, letter c), it ismandatory to undergo a five-day isolation at the address indicated on thePassenger Locator Form, with the obligation to undergo a molecular or antigenicswab test at the end of it.”

Article 3

1. The list D of annex 20 of the DPCMof 2 March 2021 (as already modified by article 4 of the ordinance by the Ministerof Health of 22 October 2021) is substituted by the following:

“List D

Argentina, Australia, Bahrein, Canada, Chile,Colombia, Japan, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda,Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (includingGibraltar, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and British bases on the island ofCyprus and excluding the territories that do not belong to the Europeancontinent), Republic of Korea, UnitedStates of America, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Taiwan, SpecialAdministrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao.”

2. Letter c) of paragraph 2, article 4 of theaforementioned ordinance by the Minister of Health of 22 October 2021 issubstituted as follows:

“c.) Presentation to the carrier at the time ofboarding and to anyone responsible for the checks of a certificate providingevidence of having undergone 72 hoursprior to the entry into Italy a moleculartest carried out by means of a swab and with negative result, OR an antigenic test carried out by means of a swab withnegative result 24 hours prior to the entry intoItaly. In the case of entrances from theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including Gibraltar, Isleof Man, Channel Islands and British bases on the island of Cyprus and excludingthe territories that do not belong to the European continent), the term of themolecular test is reduced to 48 hours.”

Article 4

1. As to the rules on entry from the states and territories referred to in list E[2] of annex 20 of the DPCM of 2 March 2021, as already governed by article 5 of the ordinance of the Minister of Health 22 October 2021, letter b) of paragraph 3 of the aforementioned article 5 and replaced as follows:

<span lang="EN"> </span>

"b)Presentation to thecarrier at the time of boarding and to anyone responsible for the checks of acertificate providing evidence of having undergone 72 hours prior to the entry into Italy a molecular test carried out by means of a swab and with negativeresult, OR an antigenic test carried out bymeans of a swab with negative result 24 hours priorto the entry into Italy.”

Article 5

1. In article 6, paragraph 1 of the ordinanceby the Minister of Health of 22 October 2021, the words “paragraph 7, lettersd), e), h), i), m), n), o), p), q)” are replaced by “paragraph 7, letters d),e), h), i), m), n), p), q).”

Article 6

1. The provisions of the ordinance by theMinister of Health of 26 November 2021 regarding entrY from South Africa,Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini areextended until the end of the state of emergency, and in any case not after 31January 2022.

Article 7

1. This ordinance is valid from 16December 2021 until the end of the state of emergency, in any case not after 31January 2022.

2. The provisions of this ordinanceapply to the Special Statute Regions and to Autonomous Provinces of Trento andBolzano.

This ordinance issubmitted to the supervisory bodies and published in the Official Gazette ofthe Italian Republic.

Rome, 14 December 2021 signed by The Minister of Health Speranza

[1] C– Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the FaroeIslands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe,Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and excluding other overseas territoriesoutside the European mainland), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands (excluding other overseas territoriesoutside the European mainland), Poland, Portugal (including the Azoresand Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (includingthe territories in Africa), Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco.


E – All the Countries not specified in the other lists (specific rulesare given below for Aruba, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Dominican Republicand the tourist areas of Sharm El Sheikh and Marsa Alam in Egypt, as well asspecific rules for South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi,Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini.)

Italian Government Decree, November 26, 2021

DECREE-LAW NO.172 OF 26 November 2021

Urgentmeasures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic and to safely performeconomic and social activities


Having regardto Articles 77 and 87 of the Constitution;

Having regardto Articles 32 and 117, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Constitution;

Having regardto Article 16 of the Constitution which allows to establish restrictions tomovement for health reasons;

Having regardto Decree-Law No. 19 of 25 March 2020 converted with modifications into Law No.35 of 22 May 2020, containing “Urgent measures regarding the containment andmanagement of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19”;

Having regardto Decree-Law No. 33 of 16 May 2020 converted with modifications into Law No.74 of 14 July 2020, containing “Further urgent measures regarding thecontainment of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 44 of 1 April 2021 converted with modifications into LawNo. 76 of 28 May 2021 containing “Urgentmeasures regarding the containment of the epidemiological emergency fromCOVID-19, regarding vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, justice and publictenders”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 52 of 22 April 2021 converted with modifications into LawNo. 87 of 17 June 2021 containing “Urgent measures regarding the gradualresumption of economic and social activities in compliance with therequirements connected to the containment of the spread of the epidemic fromCOVID-19”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 105 of 23 July 2021 converted with modifications into LawNo. 126 of 16 September 2021 concerning “Urgent measures regarding thecontainment of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 and the safeperformance of social and economic activities”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 111 of 6 August 2021 concerning “Urgent measures for thesafe performance of school, university, social activity and transport”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 127 of 21 September 2021 converted with modificationsinto Law No. 165 of 19 November 2021 concerning “Urgent measures to ensure thatpublic and private work is performed safely by extending the scope ofapplication of the COVID-19 Green Certificate and by strengthening thescreening system”;

Having regardto the Decree-Law No. 139 of 8 October 2021 concerning “Urgent provisionsconcerning access to cultural, sport and recreational activities as well as theorganization of the public administrations and personal data protection”;

Having regardto the World Health Organization declaration of 11 March 2020, in which theCOVID-19 outbreak was assessed as a "pandemic" given the levels ofprevalence and severity achieved at the global level;

Consideredthat the current risk situation calls for the extension of the extraordinaryand urgent measures taken in order to adequately contain possible risksituations for the collectivity;

Consideringthe extraordinary necessity and urgency of issuing provisions to homogeneouslyguarantee in the whole national territory the activities aimed at containingthe epidemic and at reducing the risks for public health, even in light of thedata, the medical-scientific knowledge gained to deal with the COVID-19epidemic, and the commitments undertaken, even at the international level, interms of prophylaxis and vaccination coverage;

Consideringthe extraordinary necessity and urgency of extending the vaccine obligation tocertain categories of persons who work in particularly exposed sectors;

Consideringthe extraordinary necessity and urgency of adopting the provisions on theissuance and duration of the COVID-19 Green Certificates;

Consideringalso the extraordinary necessity and urgency of integrating the framework ofthe existing measures to contain the spread of the aforementioned virus alsoduring the upcoming holidays, adopting appropriate and immediate measures toprevent and contrast the worsening of the epidemiological emergency;

Consideringthe extraordinary necessity and urgency of extending the current provisions concerningradiometric surveillance;

Having regardto the resolution of the Council of Ministers adopted in the meeting held on 24November 2021;

Upon proposalof the President of the Council of Ministers and of the Minsters of Health, forthe Interior, of Defense, of Justice, of Education and of Infrastructures andsustainable mobility;


the following Decree-Law

Chapter I


Art. 1

Vaccination obligations

1.The following modifications are made to decree-law no. 44 of 1 April 2021,converted with modifications into law no. 76 of 28 May 2021:

a)The following is inserted after article 3-bis: “Art. 3 -ter (Compliance withvaccination obligation) 1. The fulfillment ofthe vaccination obligation envisaged for the prevention of the SARS-CoV-2 infection includes the primary vaccination cycle and,starting from December 15 2021, the administration of the subsequent boosterdose, to be carried out in compliance with the indications and the termsenvisaged in a circular letter by the Ministry of Health.”

b)Article 4 is replacedby the following:

“Art.4 (Vaccination obligations for the healthcare staff and health operators)

1. <span lang="EN">In order to protect the public health and maintain adequate safety conditions in the provision of care and assistance services, in implementation of the plan referred to in article 1, paragraph 457, of law no. 178, healthcare professionals and health care workers referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, of the law no. 43 of 1 February 2006, must undergo free vaccination for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including, starting from 15 December 2021, the administration of the booster dose following the primary vaccination cycle, in compliance with the indications and terms provided in a circular letter by the Ministry of Health. Vaccination is an essential requirement for the exercise of the profession and for carrying out the work performance of these persons. Vaccination is also administered in compliance with the indications provided by the regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano in accordance with the provisions contained in the plan referred to in the first period.</span><o:p></o:p>
2. <span lang="EN">The obligation referred to in paragraph 1 and vaccination can be omitted or deferred only in cases of ascertained danger to health, in relation to specific clinical conditions documented by the general practitioner, in compliance wi</span><span lang="EN">th the circular letters of the M</span><span lang="EN">inistry of Health on the subject of vaccination exemptions.</span><o:p></o:p>
3. <span lang="EN">The o</span><span lang="EN">rders of the health professions, through the r</span><span lang="EN">espective national federations (</span><span lang="EN">which for this purpose operate as managers of the processing of personal data</span><span lang="EN">,)</span><span lang="EN"> </span><span lang="EN">utilizing </span><span lang="EN">the national digital green certificate platform (National platform - DGC) </span><span lang="EN">shall </span><span lang="EN">immediately carry out the automated verification</span><span lang="EN"> of the</span><span lang="EN"> possession of the COVID-19 green certifications proving the status of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, according to the procedures defined by the </span><span lang="EN">DPCM </span><span lang="EN">referred to in article 9, paragraph 10, of the decree-law </span><span lang="EN">no. 52 </span><span lang="EN">of 22 April 2021, </span><span lang="EN">converted</span><span lang="EN"> with modifications</span><span lang="EN"> into</span><span lang="EN"> law</span><span lang="EN"> no. 87</span><span lang="EN"> of 17 June 2021. If the national platform-DGC does not show that the anti-SARSCoV-2 va</span><span lang="EN">ccination has been carried out - </span><span lang="EN">also with reference to the booster dose following</span><span lang="EN"> the primary vaccination cycle - </span><span lang="EN">in the manner established in the circular referred to in paragraph 1, the territorially competent professional association</span><span lang="EN"> shall invite</span><span lang="EN"> the interested party to produce, within five days of receiving the</span><span lang="EN">ir</span><span lang="EN"> reques</span><span lang="EN">t, the documentation proving that the</span><span lang="EN"> vaccination has been carried out</span><span lang="EN">,</span><span lang="EN"> or the </span><span lang="EN">document related</span><span lang="EN"> to the omission or postponement of the same pursuant to paragraph 2, or the presentation of the vaccination request, to be carried out within a period not exceeding twenty days from receipt of the invitation, or in any case the non-existence of the conditions for the vaccination obligation referred to in paragraph 1. In case of presentation of documentation certifyin</span><span lang="EN">g the vaccination request, the o</span><span lang="EN">rder invites the interested party to transmit immediately </span><span lang="EN">(</span><span lang="EN">and in any case no later than three days from the administration,</span><span lang="EN">)</span><span lang="EN"> the certification </span><span lang="EN">that documents </span><span lang="EN">the fulfillment of the vaccination obligation.</span><o:p></o:p>

4. Once the terms referred toin paragraph 3 have elapsed, if the professional association ascertains thenon-fulfillment of the vaccination obligation, alsowith regard to the booster dose, it shall notify both the competentnational federations and the employer (if applicable.) The non-compliancewith the communication obligations referred to in the first sentence by theprofessional associations towards the national federations is relevant for thepurposes and for the effects of article 4 of the legislative decree of the Provisional Head of State no. 233 of 13 September 1946.The act of ascertaining the non-fulfillment of the vaccination obligation isadopted by the competent territorial order, upon theoutcome of the verifications referred to in paragraph 3; it has a declaratory nature, not a disciplinary one, it determines theimmediate suspension from the exercise of the health professions and isrecorded in the relevant professional register.

5. The suspension referred toin paragraph 4 is effective until the interested party communicates tothe competent territorial order and also to the employer (where applicable) the completion ofthe primary vaccination cycle or of the administrationof the booster dose where it applies, and in any case nolater than the six-month deadline starting 15December 2021. No salary or other remuneration or emolument is due for thesuspension period, however named. The employer verifies compliance with thesuspension pursuant to paragraph 4 and, in the event of failure to verify, thepenalties referred to in article 4-ter, paragraph 6 apply.

6. For health professionals whoregister for the first time in the registers of the territorial professionalassociations, the fulfillment of the vaccination obligation is a requirementfor the registration until the expiry of the six-month termstarting 15 December 2021.

7. For the period in which thevaccination referred to in paragraph 1 is omitted or deferred, the employerassigns the workers referred to in paragraph 2 to different tasks, even without reducing the salary, in order to avoid the riskof spreading the infection from SARS-CoV-2.

8. For the same period referredto in paragraph 7, in order to contain the risk of contagion, in the exerciseof freelance activity, the persons referred to in paragraph 2 shall adopt the sanitary and hygienic preventionmeasures indicated by the specific protocol adopted by decree of the Ministerof Health, in agreement with the Ministers of Justice and Labor and SocialPolicies, by 15 December 2021.

9.The implementation of this article must not generate new or greaterburdens on public finance.

10. For the verification of thefulfillment of the vaccination obligation by the health care operators referredto in paragraph 1, the provisions of Article 4 -ter,paragraphs 2, 3 and 6 apply.”

c) The followingchanges are made to article 4-bis:

1) In paragraph 1, the words: “on 31 December2021, deadline for the end of the state of emergency” are deleted;

2) In paragraph 3, the wordsfrom “by decree of the President of the Council” to “personal data” are replaced by thefollowing: “with the DPCM referred to inarticle 9, paragraph 10, of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, converted withmodifications into law no. 87 of 17 June 2021”;

3) Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: “4. For theverification of the fulfillment of the vaccinationobligation by the persons referred to in paragraph 1, theprovisions of article 4 -ter, paragraphs 2, 3 and 6 apply.”;

4) In paragraph 5, the words"Access to the structures referred to in article 1-bis, includingsemi-residential structures and structures that, for any reason, host people insituations of fragility, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of thisarticle as well as the violation of the provisions ofthe first sentence of paragraph 3 of this article aresanctioned” are replaced by the following: “The violation ofthe provisions of the first sentence of paragraph 3 of this article issanctioned.”

Art. 2

Extension of vaccination obligation

1. The following is inserted after article 4-bis of decree-law no. 44 of 1 April 2021, converted with modifications into law no.76 of 28 May 2021: “Art. 4 <i>-ter </i><span lang="EN">(</span><i><span lang="EN">Vaccination obligation for school staff, </span></i><i><span lang="EN">for </span></i><i><span lang="EN">the defense, security and public rescue sector, the local police, the bodies of law no. 124 of 2007, the structures referred to in article 8 -ter of the legislative decree </span></i><i><span lang="EN">no.502 of </span></i><i><span lang="EN">30 December 1992</span></i><i><span lang="EN"> </span></i><i><span lang="EN">and of the penitentiary institutes</span></i><span lang="EN">). - 1. From 15 December 2021, the vaccination obligation for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 inf</span><span lang="EN">ection referred to in article 3</span><span lang="EN">-ter, to be fulfilled, for the administration of the booster dose, within the terms of validity of the certifications green COVID-19 provided for by article 9, paragraph 3, of the decree-law n. 52 of 2021, also applies to the following categories:</span><span lang="EN"><o:p></o:p></span>

a) School staff of thenational education system, non-peer schools, staff of educational services for childrenreferred to in article 2 of Legislative Decree no. 65 of 13 April 2017, ofthe provincial centers for adult education, of the regional systems ofeducation and vocational training and of the regional systems that carry outthe higher education and technical training courses;

b) Personnel of thedefense, security and public rescue sector, of thelocal police, as well as of the bodies referred to in articles 4, 6 and 7 ofthe law no. 124 of 3 August 2007;

c) Personnel who carryout their work in any capacity in the facilities referred to inArticle 8 -ter of Legislative Decree no. 502 of 30 December 1992, with the exceptionof those who work with external contracts, without prejudice to the provisionsof articles 4 and 4-bis;

d) Staff who carry outtheir work in any capacity directly reporting to the Department of Penitentiary Administration or the Department for Juvenileand Community Justice, within prisons for adults and minors.

2. Vaccination is an essentialrequirement for carrying out the work activities of these persons pursuant toparagraph 1. The school managers and the heads of the institutions referred toin paragraph 1, letter a), the managers of the structures in which the staffwork referred to in paragraph 1, letters b), c) and d), shall ensure compliancewith the obligation referred to in paragraph 1. Theprovisions referred to in article 4, paragraphs 2 and 7 apply.

3. The persons referred to inparagraph 2 shall immediately verify the fulfillment of the aforementionedvaccination obligation by acquiring the necessaryinformation, also in the manner defined by the DPCM referred to inarticle 9, paragraph 10, of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, converted with modifications into law no.87 of 17 June 2021. In cases where theanti SARS-CoV-2 vaccination or the submission of therequest for vaccination in the manner established as part of thevaccination campaign in progress is not ascertained, theseabovementioned persons shall invite the interestedparty to produce, within five days of receiving their request, thedocumentation proving that the vaccination has been carriedout, or the document related to the omission orpostponement of the same pursuant to paragraph 2, or the presentation of thevaccination request, to be carried out within a period not exceeding twenty days from receipt of the invitation, or in anycase the non-existence of the conditions for the vaccination obligation referred to inparagraph 1. In case of presentation of documentation certifying therequest of vaccination, the subjects referred to inparagraph 2 invite the interested party to transmit immediately and in any case nolater than three days after administration, the certification certifyingcompliance with the vaccination obligation. In the event of failure to submitthe documentation referred to in the second and thirdperiods, the subjects referred to in paragraph 2 shall ascertain thenon-compliance with the vaccination obligation and immediately notify theperson concerned in writing. The document thatcertifies the non-fulfillment determinesthe immediate suspension from work, withoutdisciplinary consequences and with the right to keep the employment. For theperiod of suspension, no salary or other remuneration or emolument, however named, is due. Thesuspension is effective until the interested person communicatesto the employer the start or subsequent completion of the primary vaccinationcycle or the administration of the booster dose, and in any case no later thanthe six-month deadline starting 15 December 2021.

4. Schooladministrators and heads of institutions referred to in paragraph 1, letter a)shall provide for the replacement of the suspended teaching personnel throughthe assignment of fixed-term contracts that will terminate by law when thepersons replaced regain the right to perform the work activity once they havefulfilled the vaccination obligation. For the school year 2021/2022, theMinistry of Education shall communicate monthly to the Ministry of Economy andFinances the number of unvaccinated personnel and suspended from service, aswell as the duration of the suspension. The Ministry of Economy and Finances,based on the outcome of the monitoring and after verification of the NoIPAinformation system, makes the necessary changes to the budget.

5. Theperformance of any work activity in violation of the vaccination obligationreferred to in paragraph 1 is punished with the sanction referred to inparagraph 6, without prejudice to the disciplinary consequences pursuant to theirrespective regulations. The provisions referred to in the first sentence applyeven in case of practice of a profession or performance of any work activity inviolation of vaccination obligation referred to in Article 4 and 4-bis.

6. Infringementof the provisions referred to in paragraph 2 is sanctioned under Article 4,paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 9 of the Decree-law No. 19 of 25 March 2020, convertedwith modifications into Law No. 35 of 22 May 2020, without prejudice to theprovisions of Article 2, paragraph 2-bis of the Decree-Law No. 33 of 16May 2020 converted with modifications into Law No. 74 of 14 July 2020. Thesanction is imposed by the Prefect and the provisions of sections I and II ofChapter I of Law No. 689 of 24 November 1981, with regard to provisions notestablished by this comma, apply in as far as they are compatible. For theinfringements referred to in paragraph 5, the administrative sanction providedfor by paragraph 1 of the aforementioned Article 4 of Decree-law No. 19 of2020 is established in the payment of asum of euro 600 to 1500.

Chapter II

use of covid-19 greencertificates

Art. 3

Duration ofCOVID-19 Green Certificates

1. The followingchanges are made to article 9 of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021 convertedwith modifications into law No. 87 of 17 June 2021:

a) in paragraph 2:

1) in letter a),the words “at the end of the prescribed vaccination cycle” are replaced bythe following: “at the end of the primary vaccination cycle or of theadministration of its the booster dose”;

2) in letter c-bis),the words “prescribed cycle” are replaced by the following: "primaryvaccination cycle or of the administration of its the booster dose”;

b) in paragraph 3:

1) in the firstsentence, the words “twelve months from the day of completion of thevaccination cycle” are replaced by the following: “nine months from the day ofcompletion of the primary vaccination cycle” and the words “prescribed cycle” arereplaced by the following: “aforementioned cycle”;

2) After thefirst sentence, the following sentence is inserted: “in the event of theadministration of the booster dose after the primary vaccination cycle, theCOVID-19 Green Certificates is valid for nine months from the date of theadministration.”;

3) In the thirdsentence after the words “SARS-CoV-2 infection” the following are added: “inthe terms established through a Circular letter by the Ministry of Health,”;

c) in paragraph4-bis, the words “prescribed cycle” are replaced by the following:"primary vaccination cycle or of the administration of its booster dose”and the words “twelve months” are replaced by the following: “nine months”.

2. The provisionsreferred to in paragraph 1 apply from 15 December 2021.

Art. 4

Extension ofthe use of the COVID-19 Green Certificates

1. In thedecree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021 converted with modifications into law no. 87of 17 June 2021, the following changes are made:

a) in Article 6,paragraph 3, the second sentence is suppressed;

b) in Article 9-bis, paragraph 1:

1) in letter a)the words “, with the exception of those inside hotels and other accommodationfacilities exclusively reserved for guests staying in those facilities” aresuppressed;

2) after letter a)the following is inserted: “a-bis) hotels and other accommodationfacilities”;

3) in letter d),after the words “limited to indoor activities” the following words areinserted: “as well as spaces designated as changing rooms and showers, with theexemption from the obligation of having the certificate for those accompanyingdependent persons due to age or disability”;

c) inArticle 9-quarter:

1) in paragraph 1:

1. in letter b)the words “with the exclusion of those used for maritime connection in theStrait of Messina and those used for maritime connection to and from thearchipelago of the Tremiti Islands” are suppressed;

2. in letter c) after the words “rail transport services of type”the following is added: “interregional”;

3. in letter e)the words “with the exclusion of those used in supplemental local and regionalpublic transport services” are suppressed;

4. in letter e-bis) the words “tickets.” are replaced by the following:“tickets;”;

5. after letter e-bis)the following is added: e-ter) means of transport used in the local orregional public transport service.”;

2) in paragraph2, the words “excluded due to age from the vaccination campaign or personsexempted” are replaced by the following: “under the age of twelve or the persons exempted from the vaccination campaign”;

3) at the end ofparagraph 3 the following sentence is added: “For the means of transport of thepublic local or regional transport service, the aforementioned checks can becarried out on a spot-check basis.”;

2. The provisionsreferred to in paragraph 1 apply from 6 December 2021.

Art. 5

Use of theCOVID-19 Green Certificates certifying vaccination or recovery

1. In article 9-bisof the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021 converted with modifications intolaw no. 87 of 17 June 2021, the following changes are made:

a) in paragraph 2, after the words“for each zone” the following are added: “except as provided in paragraph 2-bis“;

b) afterparagraph 2, the following is inserted: “2-bis. In the yellow and orangezones, the use of services, the performance of activities and movements,limited or suspended under the current legislation, are allowed exclusively tothe persons who have one of the COVID-19 Green Certificates referred to in Article9, paragraph 2, letter a), b) and c-bis), and to thepersons referred to in paragraph 3, first sentence, in compliance with themeasures of the white zone. This paragraph applies to the food cateringservices referred to in paragraph 1, letter a) in the aforementionedzones, with the exception of the food catering services inside hotels and otheraccommodation facilities exclusively reserved for guests staying in thosefacilities and canteens and continuative catering service on a contractual basis to which theprovisions referred to in paragraph 1 apply.”;

c) in paragraph3, first sentence, the words “excluded due to age from the vaccination campaignor persons exempted” are replaced by the following: “under the age of twelve orthe persons exempted from the vaccination campaign”;

d) in paragraph 4, the words “in paragraph 1” are replaced by the following: “in paragraph 1 and2-bis” and the words “in the same paragraph 1” are replaced by thefollowing: “in the same paragraph 1 and 2-bis”.

2. The provisionsreferred to in paragraph 1 apply from 29 November 2021. Until 5 December 2021,the verification of the possession of COVID-19 Green Certificates in paperformat is allowed, pending implementation of Article 6, paragraph 2.

Art. 6

Transitional provisions

1. From 6December 2021 until 15 January 2022, in the Regions and the AutonomousProvinces of Trento and Bolzano whose territories are in the white zone, theactivities and the use of the services for which limitations are provided for inthe yellow zone, are exclusively allowed to persons that have the COVID-19 GreenCertificates referred to in article 9, paragraph 2, letters a), b) andc)-bis of the decree-law no. 52 of 2021 as well as to persons referredto in article 9-bis, paragraph 3, first sentence of the aforementioned decree-lawno. 52 of 2021, in compliance with the measures of the white zone. Among theservices referred to in the first sentence are included food catering serviceswith the exception of those inside hotels and other accommodation facilitiesexclusively reserved for guests staying in the those facilities as well as ofthe canteens and continuative cateringservice on a contractual basis, to which the provisions ofparagraph 1 of article 9 of the aforementioned decree-law no. 52 of 2021 apply.

2. Pendingmodification of the DPCM of 17 June 2021, adopted under Article 9, paragraph 10of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021 converted with modifications into lawno. 87 of 17 June 2021, the adjustments necessary to allow the verification ofthe possession only of the COVID-19 Green Certificates referred to in article9, paragraph 2, letter a), b) and c-bis) of the decree-lawno. 52 of 2021.

Chapter III


Art. 7

Checksconcerning compliance with the provisions to contain and prevent the spread ofthe COVID-19 epidemiological emergency

1. The Prefectwith territorial jurisdiction, within five days from the date of entry intoforce of this decree, after consulting, within three days from the date ofentry into force of this decree, the provincial Committee for public order andsecurity, adopts a plan to constantly carry out checks, even on a spot-checkbasis, making use of the police force and the municipal police force personnelwith the qualification of agent of public security, in order to ensurecompliance with the obligation to have the certificated referred to in article9 of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021. The Prefect transmits to theMinister of the Interior a weekly report on the checks carried out in theirterritorial jurisdiction.

2. The activitiesreferred to in paragraph 1 are carried out with the human, financial andinstrumental resources available under current legislation and without new orgreater burden to public finance.

Art. 8

Information campaigns

1. For thepurpose of promoting a higher vaccine coverage, the Department for Informationand Publishing Industry of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers developsa plan to ensure the greatest possible spaces on mass media for theinformation, training and awareness campaigns on SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Theimplementation of this article is provided for within the limits of theresources entered in the autonomous budget of the Presidency of the Council ofMinisters and allocated to the aforementioned purposes.

Art. 9

Urgentmeasures on radiometric checks

1. In article 72,paragraph 4, first sentence of the legislative decree no. 101 of 31 July 2020,the words “30 November 2021” are substituted by the following: “31 December2021”.

Art. 10

Entry into force

1. This decreeenters into force the day after its publication on the Official Gazette of theItalian Republic and will be presented to the Chambers for its conversion intoLaw.

This decree, bearing the State seal, will be included inthe official Collection of legislative acts of the Italian Republic. Theaddressees of this decree shall comply with and enforce it.

Rome, 26November 2021

MATTARELLA, President of theRepublic

DRAGHI,President of the Council of Ministers

SPERANZA,Minister of Health

LAMORGESE,Minister of the Interior

GUERINI,Minister of Defense

CARTABIA,Minister of Justice

BIANCHI,Minister of Education

GIOVANNINI,Minister of Infrastructures and sustainable mobility

Italian Government Decree Summary, July 23, 2021


Given the resolution of the Council of Ministers, adopted atthe meeting of 22 July 2021;

Upon proposal of the President of the Council of Ministersand of the Minister of Health

Issues the following decree-law:

Article 1

Declaration of national state of emergency

1. In lightof the health risk associated with the protracted spread of viral agents fromCOVID-19, the state of emergency declared by resolution of the Council ofMinisters of January 31, 2020, extended by resolutions of the Council ofMinisters of July 29, 2020, October 7, 2020, January 13, 2021 and April 21,2021, is further extended until December 31, 2021.

a. Whitezone

Conditions for the white zone classification, alternatively:

1. theweekly incidence of infections is less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsfor three consecutive weeks

2. if anincidence of 50 or more cases per 100,000 inhabitants occurs and one of thefollowing two conditions occurs:

2.1 theoccupancy rate of beds in the medical area is equal to or less than 15 percent

2.2 theoccupancy rate of ICU beds is equal to or less than 10 percent communicated tothe control room referred to in the decree of the Minister of Health of 30April 2020, within five days from the date of entry into force of this decree.The communication can be updated on a monthly basis on the basis of additionalbeds, which do not affect those already existing and intended for otheractivities

b. Yellowzone

Conditions for the yellow zone classification,alternatively:

1. theweekly incidence of infections is equal to or more than 50 cases per 100,000inhabitants and less than 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, unless theconditions of letter a above occur

2. Theweekly incidence is equal to or more than 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants andone of the following two conditions occurs (unless the conditions of letter aabove occur):

2.1 Theoccupancy rate of beds in the medical area is equal to or less than 30 percent.

2.2 Theoccupancy rate of ICU beds is equal to or less than 20 percent communicated tothe control room referred to in the decree of the Minister of Health of 30April 2020, within five days from the date of entry into force of this decree.The communication can be updated on a monthly basis on the basis of additionalbeds, which do not affect those already existing and intended for otheractivities.

c. Orangezone

Condition for the orange zone classification: the weeklyincidence of infections is equal to or more than 150 cases per 100,000inhabitants, unless the conditions of letters a, b or d occur.

d. Red zone

Conditions for the red zone classification: the weeklyincidence of infections is equal to or more than 150 cases per 100,000inhabitants and both the following conditions are met:

1. theoccupancy rate of beds in the medical area is more than 40 percent

2. theoccupancy rate of ICU beds is more than 30 percent communicated to the controlroom referred to in the decree of the Minister of Health of 30 April 2020,within five days from the date of entry into force of this decree. Thecommunication can be updated on a monthly basis on the basis of additionalbeds, which do not affect those already existing and intended for otheractivities.

Article 3

Use of COVID-19 Green pass

1. Afterarticle 9 of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021, converted with amendmentsinto law no. 87 of 17 June 2021 the following is added:

“Article 9 bis

Use of COVID-19 Green pass

1. As of 6August 2021, in the white zones only persons in possession of the green pass(pursuant to article 9, paragraph 2) can access the following activities andservices:

a. Foodcatering services carried out by any establishment for consumption at theindoor tables, as per article 4

b. Showsopen to the public, sporting events and competitions, per article 5

c. Museums,other institutes and places of culture and exhibitions, per article 5-bis

d. Swimmingpools, swimming centers, gyms, team sports, wellness centers, even withinaccommodation facilities per article 6, limited to indoor activities

e. Sagre andfairs, conferences and congresses per article 7

f. Spas,theme and amusement parks

g. Culturalcenters, social and recreational centers per article 8-bis paragraph 1, limitedto indoor activities and with the exception of educational centers forchildren, summer centers and related catering activities

h. Activityof gaming rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos, per article 8-ter

i. Publiccompetitions

2. The provisions referred to in paragraph 1 above alsoapply in the yellow, orange and red zones, where the services and activitiesreferred to in paragraph 1 are permitted and under the conditions envisaged forthe individual zones.

3. The provisions referred to in paragraph 1 above do notapply to persons excluded by age from the vaccination campaign and to personsexempt on the basis of suitable medical certification issued according to thecriteria defined in a circular letter by the Ministry of Health. A decree ofthe President of the Council of Ministers, adopted in agreement with theMinister of Health, the Minister for Technological Innovation and DigitalTransition, and the Minister of the Economy and Finance, after consulting theguarantor for the protection of personal data, shall identify the specifictechniques for digitally processing the aforementioned certifications, to allowtheir digital verification while ensuring the protection of the personal datacontained therein. Pending the adoption of the aforementioned decree,certifications issued in paper format may be used for the purposes referred toin this article.

4. The owners or managers of the services and activitiesreferred to in paragraph 1 are required to verify that access to the aforementionedservices and activities takes place in compliance with the requirementsreferred to in the same paragraph 1. Verification of COVID-19 green passes iscarried out in the manner indicated in the DPCM adopted pursuant to article 9,paragraph 10.

5. The Minister of Health, with his own ordinance, maydefine any additional measures necessary in the implementation phase of thisprovision.”

2. In article 9 of the decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021,converted with modifications into law no. 87 of 17 June 2021, paragraph 10-bisis replaced by the following: “10-bis. COVID-19 green certifications can beused exclusively for the purposes referred to in articles 2, paragraph 1,2-bis, paragraph 1, 2-quater, 5, 8-bis, paragraph 2, and 9-bis of this decree,as well as in article 1-bis of the decree-law of no. 44 of 1 April 2021converted with modifications into law no.76 of 28 May 2021.”

Article 4

Modifications to decree-law no. 52 of 22 April 2021

1) Paragraphs1 and 2 are replaced by the following:

"1. In the white zone and in the yellow zone, the showsopen to the public in theater halls, concert halls, cinemas, entertainmentvenues and live music and in other clubs or spaces (even outdoors) must becarried out exclusively with pre-assigned seats and on condition that respectfor the interpersonal distance of at least one meter is ensured both forspectators who are not habitually cohabiting and for the staff, and the accessis allowed only to persons in possession of the green pass, as per article 9,paragraph 2. In the white zone and in the case of events with a number ofspectators greater than 5,000 outdoors and 2,500 indoors, the permitted capacitycannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized one outdoors and 25 percentof the maximum authorized one indoors respectively. In the yellow zone, thepermitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized capacity,and the maximum number of spectators cannot in any case exceed 2,500 foroutdoor shows and 1,000 for indoor shows, for each single room. The activitiesmust be carried out in compliance with the guidelines adopted pursuant toarticle 1, paragraph 14, of the decree-law of no. 33 of 16 May 2020, convertedwith amendments into law no.74 of 14 July 2020. Shows open to the public remainsuspended when it is not possible to ensure compliance with the conditionsreferred to in this article, as well as activities that take place inballrooms, discos and similar venues.

2.The measures above also apply to individual and teamsports events and competitions of competitive level recognized of pre-eminentnational interest with a provision of the Italian National Olympic Committeeand the Italian Paralympic Committee organized by the respective nationalsports federations, by associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodiesor international sports organizations. In the white zone, the permittedcapacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized one outdoors and 25percent of the maximum allowed one indoors. In the yellow zone, the permittedcapacity cannot exceed 25 percent of the maximum authorized one and, in anycase, the maximum number of spectators cannot exceed 2,500 in outdoor locationsand 1,000 in indoor locations. The activities must be carried out in compliancewith the guidelines adopted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers -Department for Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation,on the basis of criteria defined by the Technical-Scientific Committee. If itis not possible to comply with the conditions of this paragraph, the eventsshall take place without spectators.”

Article 5

Urgent measures concerning the administration of rapidantigenic tests

1. Theextraordinary Commissioner for the implementation and coordination of themeasures to contain and combat the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency defines,together with the Minister of Health, a memorandum of understanding with thepharmacies and other health facilities in order to ensure that until 30September 2021 rapid antigenic tests to detect the SARS CoV2 antigen, referredto in Article 9, paragraph 1, letter d) of the Decree-Law No. 52 of 22 April2021, converted with modifications into Law No. 87 of 17 June 2021 areadministered at a moderate price that will take into account the purchasecosts. The protocol takes into special account the need to favor minors between12 and 18 years of age.

2. For thepurpose the containment of the costs of the rapid antigenic tests referred toin paragraph 1, the extraordinary Commissioner is authorized, in year 2021, forthe expenditure of 45 million euros from the resources that are referred to inArticle 34, paragraph 1 of the Decree-Law No. of 25 May 2021 and that are increasedaccordingly for the same year. The extraordinary Commissioner shall ensure thetransfer of the aforementioned resources to the Regions and AutonomousProvinces of Trento and Bolzano on the basis of the data available on theHealth Card system. The expenses, equal to 45 million euros in year 2021, areprovided by using the resources generated from the modifications referred to inparagraph 3.

Article 14

Entry into force

1. Thisdecree enters into force the day of its publication on the Official Gazette ofthe Italian Republic and will be presented to the Chambers for its conversioninto Law.

This decree, bearing the State seal, will be included in theofficial Collection of legislative acts of the Italian Republic. The addresseesof this decree shall comply with and enforce it.

Rome, 23 July 2021 PresidentMattarella

Draghi,President of the Council of Ministers

Speranza,Minister of Health