To strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army's total workforce and to enhance the mission readiness of Soldiers. ASAP supports unit and individual readiness by deterrence through biochemical testing, prevention, treatment, and referral. AR 600-85 governs the program. Suicide prevention training is also available through ASAP. AR 600-63
ASAP Services: Biochemical Testing, Prevention Education, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention. Rehabilitation services are authorized for all eligible personnel as directed by AR 600-85 and AR 40-68. The program supports TRICARE, medical and mental health treatment providers, as well as other public and private agencies by accepting referrals for consultation, evaluation, and treatment.
Please Note Changes to ASAP Clinical Care: The SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER CLINICAL CARE (SUDCC) is the Army's new model for providing substance use disorder and other behavioral healthcare in an integrated, unit aligned, and co-located manner. Clinical services, through SUDCC, are available by appointment: SUDCC Services: (609)-562- 4011
Prevention and Education Training Services: 609-562-5283
• Provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) education services
• UPL certification/recertification courses
• Suicide Prevention Training
• Substance Abuse Prevention/Awareness Training
Employee Assistance Program is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL!
EAP offers short-term screening, intervention and referral services, crisis intervention, worksite intervention, consultation services, a wide variety of trainings and assistance. Our aim is to help employees with identifying and resolving personal problems that may negatively affect their job performance and well-being. The EAPC is available to assist management with addressing productivity issues.
EAP provides services to the following:
• DOD civilian employees
• Retired military personnel
• Retired federal civilian employees
• Family members of eligible personnel (18 and up)
• Family members of active duty personnel (18 and up)
EAP provides services to the following:
• DOD civilian employees
• Retired military personnel
• Retired federal civilian employees
• Family members of eligible personnel (18 and up)
• Family members of active duty personnel (18 and up)
EAP Office: 609-562-3354
EAP Hotline: 609- 694-5885