The Security Branch is the focal point for security matters relating to antiterrorism, operations security, personnel security, information security, foreign travel briefs and security related education and training. The Security Branch provides security advice and assistance to all installation mission partners in a secure and non-secure facility.
o Protect lives, safeguard property and missions, through a concerted effort of deterrence, vigilance, and coordinated actions.
o Anti-Terrorism Level 1 Training: This web-based training is sponsored by the Joint Staff in coordination with the Military Services. Completion of this training meets the annual requirement for Level I Antiterrorism Training prescribed by DoDI 2000.16. The purpose of this training is to increase your awareness of terrorism and to improve your ability to apply personal protective measures. It also provides links to resources you can use in the future. Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) - Take Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness Training, JS US007. Army Regulation 525–13
Operations Security (OPSEC)
o OPSEC is a capability that identifies and controls critical information and indicators of friendly force actions attendant to military operations, and incorporates countermeasures to reduce the risk of an adversary exploiting vulnerabilities. When effectively employed, it denies or mitigates an adversary’s ability to compromise or interrupt a mission, operation, or activity. Without a coordinated effort to maintain the essential secrecy of plans and operations, our enemies can forecast, frustrate, or defeat major military operations. Well-executed OPSEC helps to blind our enemies, forcing them to make decisions with insufficient information.
o Operations Security (OPSEC) Training: From Headquarters Department of the Army, the Army OPSEC Level I (Newcomers and Refresher) Course provides Soldiers, Civilians, and Contractors with training in OPSEC awareness. The course provides information on how to protect unclassified information regarding operations and personal information. For ALMS courses, visit the ALMS website and use the Mandatory Training link on the left hand side of the home screen to access the Operations Security Training to satisfy the mandatory training requirements. Army Regulation 530–1
Personnel Security (PERSEC) Army Regulation 380-67
o Implement and oversee the Personnel Security Program for the Army Support Activity – Fort Dix and Devens RFTA. Provide administrative support and security clearance processing, initiates background investigations for access to classified information and non-sensitive positions. Validates Systems Authorization Access Request (DD2875).
Information Security (INFOSEC)
o Provides guidance on protection of classified information (marking, transporting, storage & destruction). Conducts inspections of organizations with classified holdings. Conducts SIPRNet surveys for open storage areas. Provides Information and Security Support to ASA Dix and Devens RFTA.
o Information Security (INFOSEC) Training: This training provides individuals an understanding of the information systems security policies, roles, responsibility, practices, procedures and concepts. For ALMS courses, visit the ALMS website and use the Mandatory Training link on the left hand side of the home screen to access the Information Security Program Training to satisfy the mandatory training requirements. Army Regulation 380–5
Threat Awareness and Reporting Program Training (TARP)/Counterintelligence Awareness & Reporting Course for DOD:
The Army is a prime target for exploitation by foreign intelligence and international terrorist organizations. The Army faces the threat of espionage, sabotage, subversion, and international terrorism from within the United States and outside the continental United States (OCONUS). The Army also faces threats from persons on the inside (the insider threat), those with placement and access in an organization who may compromise the ability of the organization to accomplish its mission through espionage, acts of terrorism, support to international terrorist organizations, or unauthorized release or disclosure of classified or sensitive information. The potential of the insider threat to cause serious damage to national security underscores the necessity for a focused and effective TARP. All DA personnel will receive TARP training within 30 days of assignment or employment to an organization and will undergo live environment TARP training at least annually. Army Regulation 381–12
Foreign Travel Briefings
o All personnel with an active security clearance are required to receive a Foreign Travel Brief prior to traveling to any country outside of the Continental United States. It is the responsibility of the traveler to meet all travel requirements, including training and necessary approvals prior to submitting to travel.
Fingerprinting Service
o Fingerprinting Services: The ASA Security Office will provide fingerprint services to Military personnel, Civilian employees, and Contractors who have a valid requirement for fingerprints based on a personnel security investigation or background check. Fingerprinting Services are provided by Appointment Only