The Plans and Operations Division (POD) provides quality internal and external customer service and support to Mobilizing Soldiers, USASA, Fort Dix command and staff, the Joint Base, and other Army tenant units on JB MDL, through the operation and supervision of the following three branches:
The Mobilization Branch prepares for and supports the reception and deployment of active component and mobilized reserve component units, in accordance with guidance established in the Army Mobilization Plan, FORSCOM Expansion Guidance, IMCOM Mobilization Plan, First Army Mobilization Plan, and the USASA, Fort Dix Installation Mobilization Plan.
Provides Command and Control functions, via the Operations Center (OPCEN), for daily operations / tasks and communications between higherheadquarters, USASA, Fort Dix staff directorates, mission partners, the 87th ABW, and other Army tenant units on JB MDL. Additionally, this branch supervises the equipment accountability for DPTMS, and the allocation and maintenance of the fleet of GSA vehicles for USASA, Fort Dix.
Receives and tracks all operations orders and formal taskings from higher headquarters as well as Developing and implements plans for missions, exercises, contingencies and ceremonies.
Coordinates, synchronizes, and supports major events / activities on post, to include military ceremonies and special community events.
Provides custodial service, grounds keeping and other manual labor support for daily maintenance and special events to USASA, Fort Dix and other Army tenant units on JB MDL.