Weddings at Fort Carson

Chaplains at Fort Carson are committed to serving you in providing the context for faith-based weddings.

Soldiers who desire to be married in a chapel on post by a chaplain should contact their unit chaplain in order to determine the requirement for premarital counseling.

Chapel reservation must be made. Contact the Chapel NCOIC for the reservation form. This should be done after meeting with your chaplain. The chaplain and his religious affairs specialist will be your sponsors for arrangements at the chapel in which you will be married.

If an outside pastor/priest is desired, a sponsoring chaplain is still required.

If sabers are desired, contact the NCOIC at Soldiers’ Memorial Chapel to request and reserve.

Most couples will benefit from a rehearsal the day prior to the wedding. With these steps and good communication, Soldiers can look forward to a positive beginning for their marriage. It is an exciting and special time for you and the chaplain. Start early and plan for your special day!

Catholic Marriage Requirements and Process

  1. Contact the Parish Office at
  2. Contact must be made 6 months in advance.
  3. Marriage Preparation (pre-Cana) is required.

Protestant Marriage Requirements and Process

  1. Contact your unit chaplain.
  2. If applicable, check your denomination for their requirements.
  3. Contact must be made 6 months in advance.
  4. Each chaplain sets the pre-marriage counseling requirements.