Fort Bliss SKIES Unlimited holds open house

U.S. Army video by David Poe, Fort Bliss Garrison Public Affairs

Fort Bliss SKIES Unlimited holds open house

U.S. Army video by David Poe, Fort Bliss Garrison Public Affairs


As part of the Month of the Military Child, our littlest teammates and their parents were treated to the first of two Fort Bliss SKIESUnlimited open houses this month and we had our cameras there for all of the twirls, flips, and skips April 9.

The next one will be at their West Bliss facility April 23. Be sure to follow SKIESUnlimited and Fort Bliss MWR on Facebook to stay in the know for all things FUN for military kids here at Bliss. Thank you to all of the child development pros here at Bliss who care for our little ones like family.

To see the video, click here or click on image above.