Alert, graphic.jpg

Alert! Mass Warning and Notification System Graphic

ALERT! Mass Warning and Notification System is Army-owned, and with it comes the requirement for commanders and leaders to ensure everyone within their unit or organization is enrolled and notifiable.

ALERT! MWNS is NOT optional - it is a Headquarters Department of the Army requirement to be a registered user.  ALERT! MWNS is mandatory. All DOD military and civilian personnel and contract support personnel whose normal place of duty is on a DOD installation or within a DOD facility and are considered part of the primary population and are required to register in the ALERT! System.

These users must ensure that their personal contact information, including after-duty hours contact information (e.g., personal cellular phone number or landline numbers, email addresses, home address, etc.), is entered into the system and regularly updated or verified every 90 days to remain current and accurate.

ALERT! also allows users to add up to 10 different phone numbers to include family members.

Accounts that Army personnel use through the new system are designed to follow personnel through their Army careers, whether as a civilian or uniformed service member, in the United States and abroad.

The drop-down menu below provides additional information on ALERT! System.

What is ALERT! Mass Warning Notification System?

ALERT! MWNS gives the chain-of-command the ability to notify you in the event of emergency. The ALERT! MWNS can communicate via desktop pop-up, telephone, SMS, and email. Ensuring your information is updated and correct will help increase notification capabilities and response times in emergency situations.

What is the Registration Process?

The first step you should take to register in ALERT! is to visit the self-registration site; a CAC is required: Once there you will be walked through the registration process.


Those with additional questions regarding the ALERT! System, or with registration issues, should contact the ALERT! Helpdesk at (866) 515-0551 or email

How To Access ALERT! Client Account for Updates

To access ALERT! settings:

1. Click on Up Arrow

2. Right-click ALERT! icon

3. Click on Edit Contact Info

4. Enter required credential information that follows until you get to Dashboard

5. Click Edit icon for Personal Information to make updates/changes; Click Save when complete

6. Click Edit icon for Contact Information for updates/changes; Click Save when complete

To view visuals of the above how to's, visit

How to Add/Change Attributes

To Add/Change Associations:

1. Click on Associations

2. Click on Additional Attributes

3. Click on Yes button under Do you have any other additional attributes to include?

4. Scroll down to find your own organization and click on it.

5. Click on Next.

To view visuals of the above how to's, visit

How To Add Family Members

To Add Family Members:

1. Click on Family Members

2. Click on Yes to respond to Would you like to family members to receive alerts?

3. Enter required personal data

4. Mark box to confirm consent

5. Click on Save

To view visuals of the above how to's, visit

Unit Requirements


1. Designate a primary and alternate unit ALERT! Personnel Manager to manage ALERT! registration for assigned unit/directorate personnel.

2. Comply with directives in OPORD XXXXX

3. Contact EM group email for additional information.


Q. What does ALERT! use my information for? 

A. ALERT! stores your information for alerting purposes only.


Q. How many times does the system call per notification?  

A. By default, the system will contact you 3x unless a confirmation has been acknowledged. It is possible you have may confirmed through another method (EX: Email) and will still receive a phone call if that call was already sent.


Q. I am getting an error that says unable to save client record, or registration was unsuccessful what should I do?

A. Make sure that you have completed all the mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name, valid phone number, email address and one non-dated association. If you are unable to find your military location, please contact our help desk and we will be happy to assist.


Q. I can't complete registration because I only have a DSN number, what should I do? 

A. If you only have a DSN phone number, simply click the remove button for that field and then save at the bottom of the page.


      ALERT! Help Desk |

Help Desk Phone 1-866-515-0551