
> Housing Brief

The housing brief is a group briefing and the first step to ensure a smooth experience in relocating to Bavaria. The schedule for the housing brief is announced at the Welcome Center's Central Processing Brief.
All personnel on permanent change of orders (PCS) to Bavaria must in-process with housing office no later than 48 hours from date of arrival in Bavaria.
Assignment to on-post housing is mandatory in accordance with Army in Europe Supplement 1 to AR 420-1 Army Facilities Management, Paragraph 3-14k, Mandatory Assignment (Foreign Areas Only).
If adequate family housing is available in a service member's category, the service member will be assigned to the available housing unit. If a waiting list exists in any category and housing is not projected to be available for assignment within 60 days, a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) may be issued.

> Housing Office In-Processing

In-processing is the one-on-one meeting with a housing counselor. This step is required to receive further assistance from the Housing Office.

Housing Resident Handbook

> Frequently Asked Questions