The USAG Stuttgart Central Processing Facility (CPF) is a one-stop virtual in and out-processing center.
Note for mobile users: Please download the free Acrobat Reader PDF mobile app to fully view and interact with the In & Out Processing Questionnaire on iPad, iPhone and Android.
Direct download links (external sites): ⚠ Google Play / ⚠ App Store (Apple)
Top 5 Pre-Arrival In-Processing Tips!
1. Connect with your Sponsor
2. Contact Central Processing Facility
3. Coordinate Transportation
4. Contact on-post lodging to determine availability
5. Begin or complete online driver testing/training
All DoD Civilians and Service Members in the rank of Private (E-1) through Colonel (O-6), including those in the Reserve/National Guard components on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) orders over 179 days in length assigned, attached, or otherwise performing duty in Stuttgart, will contact the CPF to start virtual in-processing.
Note: Army personnel (E-1 through O-6) on Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), ADOS-Reserve Component, or mobilization orders for 90 or more days are required to completely in-process at the start of the order through the nearest military installation transition point.
Newcomers can be scheduled for a virtual in-processing experience even before arrival. Once contact has been made with the CPF, personnel will receive a personalized checklist enabling them to attend all required online community in-processing briefings and finish with self-made appointments to the agencies that will specialize to their tailored needs.
The bulk of the in-processing experience can be done with a simple internet connection. This process affords customers more time to focus on the important and sometimes daunting tasks involved in getting settled into a new community.
To get started, just fill out the Joint In-Processing Needs Assessment and return it and a copy of your orders the CPF In-Processing Inbox.
In-Processing Email to CPF
Joint In-Processing Needs Assessment
Return the Needs Assessment form to CPF by email.
1. Complete Online Out-Processing Briefing (or contact us to attend in-person briefing that is conducted the 1st Wednesday of each month)
2. Contact Central Processing Facility
3. Coordinate DTMO SATO Travel
4. Coordinate HHG/POV Shipment
5. Connect with your Sponsor
Out-Processing Email to CPF
All DoD Civilians and Service Members in the rank of Private (E-1) through Colonel (O-6), including those in the Reserve/National Guard components on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) orders over 179 days in length assigned, attached or otherwise performing duty within the Stuttgart geographical footprint must clear the Stuttgart community prior to departing. Departing members who are 30-60 days from departure can be scheduled for a virtual out-processing experience.
Army personnel (E-1 through O-6) on Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), ADOS-Reserve Component, or mobilization orders for 90 or more days are required to completely out-process at the end of the order through the nearest military installation transition point.
NOTE: For military, you can begin out-processing without orders by submitting the ‘Joint Out-Processing Questionnaire’ but orders are required before issuing Installation Clearance Record. For civilians, you can begin out-processing by submitting the ‘Joint Out-Processing Questionnaire’ and orders. The Transportation Office team will ONLY begin scheduling after they see the “Stamped” Out-Processing Questionnaire that the CPF team provided you.
30-60 Days Out
- View the PCS Out-Processing online briefing (An updated briefing is currently being finalized. In the meantime, please contact CPF via email to request a copy of the most recent version)
- Complete PCS Out-Processing Questionnaire
- Send Orders and completed Questionnaire to CPF (Note: If Orders not available, still send the completed Questionnaire)
*All documents in one email to
Within 48 Hours of Receipt of Questionnaire
- Central Processing Facility (CPF) sends stamped Questionnaire back to customer
- Customer emails Questionnaire and Orders to Transportation Office at
- Customer begins “Things you can do w/o clearing papers” (with Orders)
3 Weeks Prior to Departure
- CPF will enter your data into the electronic pre-clear system
2 Weeks Prior to Departure
- CPF emails Installation Clearance Record (AKA Out-Processing Checklist) to customer’s listed email address(es)
2 Days Prior to Departure
- Customer delivers completed Installation Clearance Record to CPF via email or drop box outside CPF (Bldg. 2913, 1st Floor)
30-60 Days Out
- View the PCS Out-Processing online briefing (An updated briefing is currently being finalized. In the meantime, please contact CPF via email to request a copy of the most recent version)
- Complete PCS Out-Processing Questionnaire
- Send Orders and completed Questionnaire to CPF
*All documents in one email to
Within 48 hours of Receipt of Questionnaire
- CPF sends stamped Questionnaire and Installation Clearance Record (aka Out-Processing Checklist) to customer
- Customer emails Questionnaire and Orders to Transportation Office (
- Customer begins “Things you can do w/o clearing papers” (with Orders)
- Your supervisor has the authority to initial for the agencies you did not utilize. Once you have cleared every agency, you and your supervisor must sign and date the form confirming completion.
2 Days Prior to Departure
- Customer delivers completed Installation Clearance Record to CPF via email or drop box outside CPF (Bldg. 2913, 1st Floor)
Within 48 Hours of Departure
- CPF emails stamped Clearing Papers back to customer
Joint Out-Processing Questionnaire
Out-Processing Online Briefing (An updated briefing is currently being finalized. In the meantime, please contact CPF via email to request a copy of the most recent version)