Our Mission

The Equal Opportunity (EO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.

EO Resources

  • AR 15-6: Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers.
  • AR 350-1: Army Training and Leader Development.
  • AR 600-20: Army Command Policy.
  • TC 26-6: Commander’s Equal Opportunity Handbook

Special Commemorations and Ethnic Observances

January: 3rd Monday
Observance: Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Authority/comment: Public Law 98–144, Nov. 83 (Federal holiday)

February: 1–28/29
Observance: African-American/Black History Month
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation, Feb. 76

March: 1–31
Observance: Women’s History Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 100–9, Mar. 87

April/May: Sunday to Sunday for Week Incorporating Yom Hashoah
Observance: "Days of Remembrance" for Victims of the Holocaust
Authority/comment: Public Law 96–388, Oct. 80

May: 1–31
Observance: Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation, May 91

August: 26
Observance: Women’s Equality Day
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation, Aug. 73

September/October: 15 September-15 October.
Observance: National Hispanic Heritage Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 100–402, Aug. 88

November: 1–30
Observance: National Native American Indian Heritage Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 102–188, March 1992