Our Mission

The Education Staff provides quality services and programs to active duty, retirees, civilians and family members. Professional guidance counselors provide a full range of adult and continuing education counseling. Individual counseling is available during normal duty hours on a walk-in basis.

Upgraded ArmyIgnitED Portal Launched

The upgraded ArmyIgnitED portal has officially launched and can be found here

Click here for information on accessing and using the new portal, including frequently asked questions and a guide to creating Education Goals.

Please visit the Army Education Center in building 2915 on Panzer Kaserne, or call them at (0)9641-70-596-2684 with any questions.

EducatIonal Institutions

We have several institutions with face-to-face classes available for ID card holders. These institutions have contracts with the military to provide school representatives to assist with enrollment and support. (They also provide online classes and degree plans.)

Room 402A

Commercial Phone: +49 (0)6371-475-755

Email: wwkmcedu@erau.edu


Room 406
DSN: 314-431-2303 / 2305

Commercial Phone: +49 (0)7031-15-2303 / 2305

Email: Stuttgart-Europe@UMGC.edu

Testing Services

Military Testing

Phone: +49 (0)9641-70-596-2417 or DSN 314-596-2417

  • Army Personnel Testing: ASVAB/AFCT, DLAB, DLPT, SIFT, OPI
  • TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) for FAST class & Warrant Officer packets

National Test Center (civilian tests)

Phone: +49 (0)7031-309-7425 or DSN 314-431-2303

Email: ntcStuttgart-europe@UMGC.edu

Website: https://europe.umgc.edu/transfers-and-credits/national-test-centers.html

  • GED: Practice and Official Exams
  • GMAT
  • Proctoring of college or home-schooling exams for a fee
  • Professional Certification Exams
  • Pearson VUE

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We can help with setting up ArmyIgnitED accounts (https://www.armyignited.army.mil/student/public/welcome)