
The mission of Army Counterintelligence (CI) is to detect, identify, neutralize, and exploit the foreign intelligence and international terrorist threat against U.S. Army personnel, facilities, equipment, information, automations, and equities.  We best achieve this by providing tailored CI support to our supported organizations.  If you would like to learn more about how Army CI can better support your specific organization, please contact us.

Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP)

For complete information on attending TARP training, please send a brief e-mail to USARMYHunterAAFUSACICRegionISavannahRA@army.mil

NOTE:  Army CI Agents are the only authorized presenters for TARP training, per AR 381-12, Para 2-4(b).  Live training is mandatory whenever resources and environment permit.  Online TARP training is only authorized in situations in which a CI Agent is unavailable to provide live training and/or with the approval of the first O-6 in the chain of command.

Want to Report?

To report suspicious behaviors or incidents involving Fort Stewart, Hunter Army Airfield, or Army equities in the surrounding area, please contact us via any of the following means:
  1. Contact the Savannah Resident Agency via any of the means listed on this page
  2. Submit online via iSalute: INSCOM-iSalute
  3. Call 1-800-CALL-SPY

Army Counterintellingence