State Carry Act Does Not Apply on Post
Trusted Traveler resumed today at Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield. Trusted Traveler allows all DoD ID card holders to vouch for all occupants in their vehicle. The DoD ID card holder must be the driver unless observed medical conditions prevents vehicle operation. Trusted Traveler hours are 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, Monday through Sunday at all gates. After 9 p.m. all occupants of the vehicle will be subject to 100% ID card check at open gates except Rio gate at Hunter. After 9 p.m. use Montgomery Gate at Hunter. Contractors and AIE card holders are not authorized Trusted Traveler. Visitor Control Center hours remain 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Stewart and Hunter.
How to get through the Stewart-Hunter gates:
If you don’t have a Military ID:
If you don’t have a Military ID, Report to the installation Visitor Control Center, a background check will need to be completed prior to entering installation. Everyone 10 years and older will need a government issued ID (such as drivers’ license or passport).
If you have a Dependent ID:
If you have a Military ID (CAC):
Reasons you would be denied access to installation
Waiver Packed
If you have a felony conviction that denies you access to the installation, you and your supervisor may apply for a waiver in order to grant you access to post.
A waiver packet can be obtained at the Visitor Center”.
Complete the Waiver Packet and submit directly to the Directorate of Emergency Services.
What if I lose my pass?
Bring your ID to the Visitor Center to get your pass reprinted. If you lost your AIE card, you will receive a1 day pass to report it lost or stolen to the MP station. Bring back a copy of the report, and we will print you a new AIE card.
When does the long-term pass expire?
Six months from the issue date.
How do I renew my long-term pass?
There is no "renewal" process. All long term passes must be completely resubmitted every year for approval. A new 2737, background check, etc. is performed.
Can I use my pass to buy things at the PX and Shopette?
No. The Visitor's pass does not grant access to shopping at the PX, Shoppette, Furniture Store, etc.
All Taxi/Uber/Lyft drivers require a valid Fort Stewart/HAAF visitor pass even if the fare is a DOD ID cardholder.
Taxi/Uber/Lyft companies are NOT authorized access to the installation as a Trusted Traveler.
Must be vetted and issued a VCC pass.
Drivers will be turned around.
Sponsorship requirements for all passengers who are non-ID card holders apply IAW AR190-13.
Soldiers and Family members must be aware that they will be charged their current fare and have to arrange additional transportation from the Gate if they are picked up by an non-vetted driver.
Persons bringing firearms onto the installation must comply with Fort Stewart regulation 190-11’s rules requiring registration of all weapons on the installation, unless exempt. Persons bringing firearms onto the installation must also comply with the regulations carry and use requirements. Fort Stewart regulation 190-11 is punitive regulation and violations of it may result in administrative action or prosecution under the UCMJ. Civilians who violate this regulation may be subject to administrative action and criminal prosecution.
All visitors 18 years old and older must have a visitor pass issued from either Hunter Army Airfield or Fort Stewart visitor center. Bring your valid state issued ID or passport to have a background check completed. Everyone 18 years old and older must come inside to receive their pass. Once you have cleared the background check, a pass will be issued.
You must apply for a visitors pass. The process is outlined to the right.
Yes. There is no need to stop at the Visitor Control Center if you have a dependent ID. Simply show your ID when driving through the gate.
You have to go to the Visitor Control center to get a visitor pass if you don't have your military ID - or you can ask someone to bring it to you.
All non-affiliated personnel, must have a visitor’s pass and government issued photo ID in lieu of a military ID. The three steps for receiving a pass are listed to the right.
All personnel gaining access to Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield are required to have a military ID or a visitor pass. Background checks are completed when passes are processed.
Yes! You can apply for a visitors pass up to 30 days in advance. Call the Visitor Control Center for details.
Yes, but you will need to get a pass through the Visitor Center.
Department of Defense (DOD) ID cards are accepted for access to the installation. All personnel are required to have a DOD ID card or a pass in order to be granted access.
Department of Defense (DOD) ID cards are accepted for access to the installation. All personnel are required to have a DOD ID card or a pass in order to be granted access.
No. All persons, including bike riders, either need a CAC or a visitor pass to get on post.
Yes, but you must register the card inside the Visitor Center before it can be used to access post.
No, but you can get a Survivor AIE card inside the Visitor Center that will be good for three years.
Provide a by name list of ALL guests, caters, etc. to the Visitor Control Center 2 weeks in advance. All visitors on the list will require proper identification or a DoD escort.
The Guards conduct random car inspections – we never search.

DES Access Request Event Form
Scheduling an event on post you can request an event-oriented pass request through DES.
Any DoD affiliated individual can request an event-oriented pass up to 14 days.
Up to 30 days in advance of the event.
Receive QR Code and link from DES that can be sent out for individuals to register for the event thus requesting access to the installation.
Individuals will receive status of their requested pass via text messages to inform if their pass is approved, denied, or system error issues.
Pass is then linked to individuals’ driver’s license or can be picked up in person at the VCC during operating hours 0600-1800.
Specified Installation Access Standing Order
Step 1:
- First, here are the forms you need: Form 2737-E-R
- Fill out the 2737-E-R and send it to your sponsoring unit commander or organization supervisor. We prefer you digitally fill it out.
- Have your sponsoring unit or organization complete an AIE ETP Memorandum (example provided above).
- Don’t have a computer? No problem! Download the Adobe Fill & Sign App and do everything from your phone.
Step 2:
- Once you’re done, your sponsoring unit commander or organization supervisor will submit both documents to the Visitor Control Center email at:
Step 3:
- The final step is easy! Simply wait 3 business days for processing your request. If you do not receive a phone call, your pass will be ready for you at the Visitor Control Center.
Ft Stewart
Primary: 571-801-0276
Secondary:571-801-0277Secondary: 571-801-0277

Sunday | 06:00-18:00 |
Monday | 06:00-18:00 |
Tuesday | 06:00-18:00 |
Wednesday | 06:00-18:00 |
Thursday | 06:00-18:00 |
Friday | 06:00-18:00 |
Saturday | 06:00-18:00 |
BLDG 101
Fort Stewart Front Gate, West General Screven way
Fort Stewart GA 31314
NOTICE: *Trusted Traveler All gates daily 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. After 9 p.m. All occupants subject to 100% ID card check.
Hunter AAF
Primary: 571-801-6993

Sunday | 06:00-18:00 |
Monday | 06:00-18:00 |
Tuesday | 06:00-18:00 |
Wednesday | 06:00-18:00 |
Thursday | 06:00-18:00 |
Friday | 06:00-18:00 |
Saturday | 06:00 - 18:00 |
BLDG 1400
Montgomery St
Hunter Army Airfield GA 31409
NOTICE: *Trusted Traveler All gates daily 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. After 9 p.m. All occupants subject to 100% ID card check. Closed Federal Holiday.