
This presentation will highlight the many educational options available to our Army family when if comes to life long learning opprotunities. Please watch the video above to get a better understanding.

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After clicking on the e-mail link below please provide your full name, unit, and good contact phone number in the body of the e-mail. We will use this e-mail confirmation to validate you having watched the video.

When you come to the Education Center to physically clear please bring the following documents: a. The working copy of your DD Form 214 b. Your installation clearing papers.

If you are a Ft. Stewart Soldier bring the documents to the SFC Paul R. Smith Army Education Center, Bldg 100, Ft. Stewart, or if you are stationed at Hunter Army Airfield, the Education Center, Bldg 1290.

Should you need additional information you can speak with the Education Counselor. Your clearing papers will be stamped and you will have completed your education clearing.

Email the above information to this address:

Thank You!

Outprocessing information.

Save these slides for later, you might need them!

Download the VA Education Benefits Slides

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