Performance Management (DPMAp)

The DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP) (1) provides a framework for supervisors and managers to communicate expectations and job performance (2) links individual employee performance and organizational goals (3) facilitates a fair and meaningful assessment of employee performance (4) establishes a systematic process for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and recognizing and rewarding employee performance that contributes to mission success and (4) nurtures a high-performance culture that promotes meaningful and ongoing dialogue between employees and supervisors and holds both accountable for performance.

Key Things to Know about DPMAP

I. All Army employees covered by the program will be on a single appraisal cycle that is April 1st thru March 31st, with an effective date of June 1st

II. There are three formal documented face-to-face discussions required under the new program:

  • an initial performance plan meeting
  • one progress review*
  • final performance appraisal discussion

*Additional progress reviews are highly encouraged throughout the appraisal cycle with a focus on enhanced employee engagement.

III. The minimum period of performance is 90-days.

IV. The automated DoD MyPerformance Appraisal tool will be used to manage the appraisal process. Employees and supervisors will use the tool collaboratively. IDPs are a component of the Performance Process.

V. The new program includes a “savings provision”. Employee that is undergoing a formal Performance Improvement Period (PIP) remains in their current performance management program until the PIP is resolved.

  • If employee successfully completes the PIP; convert into the new program for the next rating cycle.

VI. DoD core values will be discussed with employees at the beginning of the appraisal cycle and annotated on ALL performance plans.

  • DoD components may include organizational values and mission statements or goals that are tied to the employee’s performance elements.

VII. Supervisors must allow employees the opportunity to provide input into their performance elements and standards.

  • Elements and standards must be written at the fully successful level.

VIII. 3-tiered performance management program with the narrative ratings of“Level 5 – Outstanding”, “Level 3 - Fully Successful” and “Level 1–Unacceptable”.

  • The overall rating will be calculated by adding together the individual ratings for each element and that sum will be divided by the total amount of elements.

Level 5 - Outstanding

  • Produces exceptional results or exceeds expectations well beyond specified outcomes.
  • Sets targeted metrics high and far exceeds them (e.g.,quality, budget, quantity).
  • Handles roadblocks or issues exceptionally well and makes along-term difference in doing so.
  • Is widely seen as an expert, valued role model, or mentor for this work.
  • Exhibits the highest standards of professionalism.

Level 3 – Fully Successful

  • Effectively produces the specified outcomes, and sometimes exceeds them.
  • Consistently achieves targeted metrics.
  • Proactively informs supervisor of potential issues or roadblocks and offers suggestions to address or prevent them.
  • Achieves goals with appropriate level of supervision.

Level 1 - Unacceptable

  • Does not meet expectations for quality of work; fails to meet many of the required results for the goal.
  • Is unreliable; makes poor decisions; misses targeted metrics (e.g., commitments, deadlines, quality)

Lacks or fails to use skills required for the job. Requires much more supervision than expected for an employee at this level.

IX. Encourage continuous recognition and rewards throughout the year:

  • Do not wait until the end of the appraisal cycle
  • Options include monetary,non-monetary, honorary and informal awards.

X. The amount of performance elements and standards for supervisors must be equal to or greater than the non-supervisory(technical) elements and standards

  • What that essentially means is that 50% or greater of the rating will be based on those supervisory duties because this program places a strong emphasis on supervisory responsibilities
  • This is not applicable to employees coded with a supervisory code “4.”

Individual AssessmentsAn individual assessment is the ideal instrument for evaluating potential, leadership ability, and preferences.  USAG Daegu offers the True Colors Personality Assessment to civilian employees interested in increasing self-awareness of their preferences for learning and working in collaborative environments.

The True Colors’ online personality assessment gives each person unique insights into their own personality type and decision-making style through the True Colors methodology lens. Each person will discover their full True Colors personality spectrum and receive an in-depth report. The distinctive report describes behavioral tendencies and includes powerfully effective tips for communicating with people of all personality types.

The Center for Army Leadership offers the Multi-source Assessment and Feedback (MSAF) program.  The purpose of the MSAF is to improve the Army leader’s self-awareness, uncover potential, identify developmental needs, and develop an action plan that furthers both the leader’s individual and organizational leader development goals.  The feedback report received is a summary of the data collected from superiors, peers, subordinates and your own self-analysis of leadership abilities. 

To request a True Colors Personality Assessment, please contact Workforce Development at (315) 763-4928.