SHARP Hotlines
Fire / Police/ Medical Emergency: 911
Fort Stewart CID: (912)767-4566
HAAF CID: (912)315-6333
1ABCT: (912) 255-0275
2IBCT: (912) 255-0253
3CAB: (912) 255-2163
3SB: (912) 255-2511
MEDDAC: (912) 321-3604
DIVARTY: (912) 255-0901
188th Infantry: (912) 320-0285
Garrison: (912) 318-4957
The Marne Advocacy Resource Center (MARC) is a “one-stop” location for you, whether you are a Soldier, Family
The MARC coordinates and supports all SHARP services with a focus on maximum co-location of advocacy, investigative and legal personnel. You can interact with the Army Response System in a protected environment to explore reporting options, meet response personnel and coordinate needed referrals and appointments. We want to send the message that Victims do not have to feel isolated—there is supported all along the way with the community network.
Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC’s) and Victim Advocates (VA’s) are available to you at the MARC. SARC’s and VA’s are professionals trained to offer support, information, locating resources and filling out paperwork. Your SARC or VA will explain options for reporting a sexual assault or sexual harassment. The MARC has segregated restricted and unrestricted areas for designated report intake and ongoing case management functions. You can choose to meet with the Special Victim’s Counsel/Legal right there at the MARC. Additionally, when you choose the Unrestricted reporting option, your CoC and CID will also meet you at the MARC—no driving all over post for you to find the right agency to speak with. This is an intended benefit, as well: To reduce the "hassle factor," e.g. circumstances where the Victim must travel to various locations to receive or coordinate support.
Hopefully, you will be relieved to know that agencies in the FSGA/HAAF community want to ensure your safety and your rights. Services and support are available to lead to recovery from the impact of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault. To further ensure protection and safety, the MARC also serves as the installation resource center coordinating prevention, outreach and training activities. SARC’s and VA’s provide education and training, and there are also two qualified SHARP training instructors on staff.
For more information regarding the MARC, Sexual Harassment and/or Sexual Assault, and filing complaints or reports, please call us at 912-271-9958
Victims will choose their reporting option, restricted or unrestricted. Optimal victim care and seamless case coordination will begin. Want an unrestricted report? The MARC provides a protected environment to meet with outside agencies, such as CID.
Conduct that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and deliberate/repeated offensive comments or gestures of a sexual nature. There are two main types of sexual harassment: Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Environment. Categories of sexual harassment are verbal, nonverbal, and physical contact.
-All Soldiers and Civilians have a responsibility to help resolve acts of sexual harassment. Techniques to utilize include the following: Direct approach; Indirect approach; Third party; Chain of Command; and Filing a Formal Complaint.
Yes, Sexual Harassment can be in the form of Verbal, Non-verbal, and Physical. Sexual Harassment is conduct that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and deliberate or repeated offensive comments or gestures of a sexual nature. When submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s job, pay or career; submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Sexual assault response coordinators (SARCs) serve as the single point of contact to coordinate sexual assault victim care. They track the services provided from the initial report of a sexual assault through disposition and resolution of the victim's health care and support service needs.
Restricted reporting allows a sexual assault victim to confidentially disclose the details of his or her assault to specified individuals and receive medical treatment and counseling, without triggering the official investigative process. Sexual assault victims who are sexually assaulted and desire restricted reporting under this policy may only report the assault to the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), or a Healthcare Provider (HCP).
Yes, you can call the Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The number for FS/HAAF is 912-271-9958 and a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate or SARC will respond to your call immediately and provide the assistance needed. During the duty day you can reach a Victim Advocate or SARC at The Marne Advocacy Resource Center (MARC)2233 Gulick Ave., Bldg. 816 (next to the Tax Center)
As of November 2013, Soldiers who report that they have been the victim of a sexual assault can elect to have a Special Victims Counsel assigned to them. An SVC is an active duty Army attorney, provided at no charge to the victim, who will represent the victim's interest throughout the course of the legal proceedings that might follow the report of a sexual assault.
1. Direct approach. Confront the harasser and tell him/her that the behavior is not appreciated, not welcomed and that it must stop. Stay focused on the behavior. Use common courtesy. Write down the thoughts before approaching the individual involved.
2. Indirect approach. Send a letter to the harasser stating the facts, personal feelings about the inappropriate behavior and expected resolution.
3. Third party. Request assistance from another person. Ask someone else to talk to the harasser, to accompany the victim, or to intervene on behalf of the victim to resolve the conflict.
4. Chain of Command. Report the behavior to immediate supervisor or others in the chain of command and ask for assistance in resolving the situation.
5. File a formal complaint. For details filing an informal or formal complaint, call 912-271-9958
For answers to more questions regarding Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault, processes, safety plans and medical services related to filing reports please call us at 912-271-9958.
Victims will receive necessary referrals to CID, Special Victims Counsel (SVC), etc. SHARP personnel can also provide resources to aid in recovery, as well as safety planning.