Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield's (FSGA/HAAF’s) Borrow Pit Program is responsible for overseeing and permitting all borrow pit activities performed on the installation. The Program’s management of these activities supports FSGA/HAAF’s efforts to conserve resources and provide the installation with an onsite source of suitable soils for use as fill material. There are currently 76 active borrow pits conveniently located throughout the installation. These onsite borrow sources support forestry, construction, maintenance, and range activities/projects. All borrow pit design and excavation actions support the objective of the pit eventually becoming a fishpond/recreation area for Soldiers and their Families to enjoy.
A term used in construction/civil engineering that describes an area created to remove earthen material from, which will be used for fill at another location.
To provide the Installation with onsite sources of suitable soils for use as fill material in order to support forestry, construction, maintenance, and range activities/projects.
All borrow pit design and excavation actions shall support the objective of the borrow pit eventually becoming a fish pond/recreation area for Soldiers and their Families.