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Col. David Key, 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade commander, discusses Multi-Domain Operations with various leaders from across the brigade during Leader Professional Development, Sept. 21 on Fort Stewart.
Sustainers host professional development, focus on logistics
The Distribution Integration Branch with Division Sustainment Support Battalion, 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division hosted a Leader Professional Development for Sustainers across the Division, Sept. 21 on Fort Stewart.
The LPDs topic was “Displacing Sustainment Nodes in Multi-Domain Operations,” discussing how a unit being able to continue the fight as the fight moves through large scale combat operations.
“We brought in units from across the installation who have similar capabilities and requirements as we do, so that they can learn from our education,” said Col. David P. Key, 3rd DSB commander.
Displacing sustainment nodes in multi-domain operations is about how sustainment units can provide sustainment support to maneuver units while moving rapidly in a large-scale combat operation.
Now that the fight has changed from counterinsurgency to LSCO, the DSB no longer supports from a forward operating base. The DSB must move with the maneuver units and stay within a constant, tolerable distance to provide the sustainment support that they require for them to continue to fight.
“I hope that the attendees today have a better understanding of what it takes to displace a Division Sustainment area and brigade,” said Cpt. Henry Ngo the support operations DIB officer for the 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade.
The goal of the LPD was to prepare Soldiers for the ongoing and upcoming Command Post Exercise, Warfighter Exercise, potential deployments and future National Army Trainings.
“For this LPD, I hope that they found a Sustainer to their left or right that they have never met before and take that opportunity to collaborate with them and discuss the logistics and sustainment challenges that they have in their particular units,” Key said.
LPDs provide leaders with lessons learned and techniques to develop the skills necessary for effective decision-making, mentoring and teamwork.
“Having Sustainers come together and synchronize what we know about the division support areas - how we might use them and where you might fit in the picture of that and then take it back to our individual units and use the information,” Key said.