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Resource Management

The Resource Management (RM) office mission is to serve as the principal advisor on all Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution functions within the Army Support Activity (ASA). In addition, the RM executes financial responsibilities in all actions, complying with DoD and Army financial standards, laws, rules, requirements, and policies governing management of resources.

The RM office currently consists of one Manpower/HR Management analysts, three Budget Analysts, one Contract Management Support Officer, and the Resource Management Officer.


The budget team maintains constant communication with supported staff thru Quarterly Working PBACs providing updated information on individual organizations Status of Funds, identifying Unfunded Requirements, and developing an execution plan. They participate in the quarterly Joint Reconciliation Program researching the status and validating prior and current year's un-liquidated balances.

The budget team manages a variety of financial programs directly related to the execution of approved budgets like GFEBS (funding and financial transactions), G-Army (supplies), and ATAAPS (payroll). In addition, RM manages the Government Purchase Card (GPC) program, the Government Travel Card (GTC), and the Defense Travel System (DTS).

Lastly, but most important, the RM team must ensure that the organization is in compliance with all audit readiness standards, and is audit ready to obtain an "unmodified/unqualified" audit opinion.


Manpower and Human Resources (HR)

The mission of the Manpower and HR section is to provide continuous management and program analysis for manpower/HR, equipment requirements, and organizational structures. Their main functions include:

- Maintain continuous updates of the Table of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) with Required/Authorized/Over-hired positions for military, civilians, and contracted positions.

- Reviews, validates, and requests changes (deletion and/or addition) of required and authorized TDA equipment.

- Actively participates in the Annual Command Plan (CPLAN) providing input for changes and updates for future TDAs.

In addition, the Manpower/HR section is responsible for the generation and processing of all personnel actions (RPAs), assisting Directors in the review and update of position descriptions, and upload of all ASA civilian evaluations.


Contract Management Support Officer (CMSO)

The CSMO functions include:

- Service Contracts Approvals (SCAs) are required for all new and modified contract requirements to ensure that the Activity meets the Army's statutory and fiduciary obligation.

- The Manager's Internal Control Program (MICP) ensures that Army-mandated procedures are in place to reiterate that commands, such as the ASA, have reasonable control over its important/key functional areas. The ASA has a 5-Year Internal Control Evaluation Plan (ICEP), based off of HQ's IMCOM ICEP, and reports annually through the Annual Statement of Assurance (ASoA).

- The CSMO is responsible for the development, review, and update of all ASA's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Memorandum of Assurance (MOA), and Inter Service Support Agreements (ISSAs).


-- The CSMO participates as 3rd Party Observer in the Warrior and Family Support Center (WFSC) NAF Inventory Audit (as required), and performs unannounced quarterly Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) Petty Cash Audit.