The IMCOM-Europe Safety Office provides support to Soldiers, families and civilians to cultivate a safe working and living environment within our communities both on and off duty through risk reduction measures. Our focus is to encourage a safety culture through leader and individual accountability.
A full service safety resource for Soldiers, family members and civilians that encourages risk management in all endeavors and promotes a positive safety culture.
Department Core Values:
Core values include but are not limited to promoting risk assessment and risk mitigation of all activities, monitoring facilities and operations for hazards, promulgating accident prevention policies, administering safety program requirements, managing attainment of all safety program standards and advising leaders on accident prevention requirements and strategies.
Service to the Military Community:
We value the opportunity to provide safety advice and consultation in a manner which is effective, timely, accurate and efficient. Our accident prevention efforts include both on-duty and off-duty activities. They also include military, civilian, local national, contractors, host nation and family members.
Responsibility – Accountability:
We exercise overall staff responsibility and authority for the IMCOM-Europe safety program. We will be responsible for our actions and the quality of our services.
Training Classes:
We provide, monitor or coordinate all internal safety related training and education pertaining to IMCOM-Europe activities. In addition, we provide limited training support to non-organic IMCOM-Europe activities and customers. IMCOM-Europe Safety partners with U.S. Army Europe and Africa Safety, as well as other safety operations within our footprint. This includes Host Nation Safety, U.S. Air Force Europe Safety and others.