Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security (DPTMS)
DPTMS’ structure contains three divisions: Plans and Operations Division, Training Division and the Security and Intelligence Division. The directorate provides command and control and daily operations to U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hamilton. DPTMS executes support of operational, disaster, antiterrorism, and special plans, policies and directives. DPTMS is responsible for coordinating inspections, exercises, managing the personnel security program and provides audiovisual support. The directorate also coordinates training, ceremonies, special events and observances. DPTMS maintains close liaison with local, state and federal emergency response agencies and coordinates disaster management function:
The Plans and Operations Division formulates, coordinates and executes operational, emergency and disaster plans and policies for the Garrison and Mission Partners. The team performs a myriad of activities in support of Fort Hamilton, during emergencies from the Emergency Operations Center, and serves as the Command and Control element for tracking, coordinating and reporting to the command and higher headquarters. Serves as the conduit between higher headquarters and garrison directorates for taskings, managing and coordinating the use of post facilities, military support requests, ceremonies and special events support.
The Operations Division coordinates:
- Helicopter Landing Zone requests
- Ceremonies and Special Events equipment (flags, sabers, harnesses, etc.)
- Color Guard requests
- Driving missions
- Hamilton Theater reservations
To request support, email:
The threat of terrorist activity is persistent and enduring. Fort Hamilton's Anti-terrorism officer executes a comprehensive Antiterrorism program that educates, deters, defeats or mitigates Force Protection vulnerabilities that provide an appropriate level of safety and security for all Soldiers, Civilian workforce, Family-members, Contractor's, infrastructure and Critical information. The ATO ensures Garrison and Mission Partners identify, mitigate and protect vulnerable areas from acts of terrorism or criminal attacks. The Army needs everyone’s help (including contractors) in protecting against the threat of terrorism. By understanding your role and having a base of knowing of the possible indicators of suspicious activity or behavior, every person can serve as an extra set of “eyes and ears” for law enforcement and security. If you see something suspicious -- report it!
- Army Criminal Investigation Division:
- Reporting in NYC:
- New York State Anti-Terrorism program:
The Emergency Management Program develops and coordinates Contingency Plans, Exercises, Continuity of Operations program (COOP), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) planning and preparedness, and the Ready Army Program. The EM Specialists provides information, training and exercises to prepare for weather and natural hazards, diseases, CBRNE emergencies, emergency actions during emergencies, family plans and emergency kits to the Fort Hamilton Military Community. Maintains close liaison with local, state, and federal emergency response agencies and coordinates efforts in the event of an emergency or disaster incident.
- Alert! Mass Warning Notification System
- Ready Army Link:
- Notify NYC:
- New York Alert:
The security section oversees installation compliance with security requirements in a myriad of security disciplines designed to ensure the maximum protection of assets in the interest of national security. The Security Division provides installation support in various security disciplines such as:
- Personnel Security Program
- Information Security Program
- Industrial Security Program
- Foreign Visitor Program
- Security Program Management Oversight and regulatory compliance assessments
- Security Education, Training and Awareness
- Open Storage/Classified Meeting Site Certification
- Command Courier Authorization
- Operations Security (OPSEC)
- Fingerprints
The Visual Information provides Photography Services, Graphic Art Services (Posters, Programs, and Flyers), Multimedia Services, A/V Equipment Loan, and Hamilton Theater Reservations.
All VI product requests MUST be submitted to
- Official Passport
- Command Photos (head and shoulders)
- Graphic art services (posters, programs, flyers)
- Multimedia requests
- A/V equipment loan
- Hamilton Theater reservations