Emergency Management
DSN 526-3006, CIV 09641-70-526-3006
DSN 526-3006, CIV 09641-70-526-3006
Tower Barracks, Bldg. 500
Hours of Operation:
Mon.—Fri. 8 a.m. — 4 p.m.
Closed U.S. federal holidays
Installation Operations Center
DSN 526-3025, CIV 09641-70-526-3025
DSN 526-3025, CIV 09641-70-526-3025
Tower Barracks, Bldg. 500
Hours of Operation:
Open 24/7
> Mission
The USAG Bavaria Emergency Management program executes a comprehensive, all-hazards Protection Program that synchronizes all activities and operations related to preventing, protecting against, mitigating the potential effects of, responding to, and recovering from all multi-agency and/or multi-jurisdictional emergencies on or impacting USAG Bavaria installations throughout Bavaria.
> Stay Informed
During a large-scale emergency, the Emergency Operations Center activates communications channels which keep our communities posted about the emergency and any action that should be taken to minimize the impact of the storm or other emergency. AtHoc was replaced by ALERT! mass warning and notification system and remains the primary notification system. Other information channels include, but are not limited to:
- USAG Bavaria Facebook page ⚠
- Announcements made via AFN Bavaria ⚠
- The Installation Hotline, DSN 475-7623, CIV 09641-83-7623 (when activated)
- Giant Voice System (intercom)
- Tenant command and agency telephone alerting/recalls
- ALERT MASS NOTIFICATION MESSAGING - All Soldiers, U.S. Civilians and Contractors are required by DoD to register their personal off-duty contact information in ALERT! Host Nation Civilians will only register their on-duty contact information. Sponsors are encouraged to include their family member information under their ALERT! profile. DODEA personnel are unable to self-register their information in ALERT! and must contact their schools admin officers for assistance.
> Emergency Action Plans (EAP)
Tenant Commanders will appoint orders to an emergency management coordinator who will be responsible for developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for any facility with more than 10 personnel. The EAP details emergency response actions and supports the installation's emergency response efforts. A sample EAP is available for download here. Training and assistance on EAPs is available upon request at email: USARMY.BAVARIA.ID-EUROPE.LIST.EMERGENCY-MANAGEMENT@ARMY.MIL.
- TEMPLATE - Tenant Unit EAP (link pending)
- TEMPLATE - Garrison EAP (link pending)
> Alert! Personnel Manager
All battalion-level and higher tenant activities/commands and garrison directorates will appoint on orders a primary and alternate ALERT! Personnel Manager to maintain ALERT! system registration. ALERT! Personnel Manager training is conducted online by TACOM at Detroit Arsenal. Contact the garrison Emergency Manager for further details.
> WebEOC
WebEOC is a web-enabled incident management system. A WebEOC account is provided for emergency response personnel; critical asset and/or mission owners; unit emergency management and antiterrorism coordinators; and crisis action team (CAT) and emergency operations center (EOC) emergency support functional staff.
- WEBEOC Link (CAC Access Required)
- WebEOC Training