In 2013, USAG Grafenwoehr was transformed to USAG Bavaria, a single Garrison with four locations, which includes Grafenwoehr, Vilseck, Hohenfels, Garmisch, along with Grafenwoehr Training Area Camps. In February 2017, in response to the growing rotational force and training troop presence, USAG Bavaria established the 5th Community to manage Garrison resources in the Training Camps, deconflict infrastructure and facilities usage, and ensure the efficient operation and integration of Garrison support to deployment, sustainment, and redeployment operations.
The Grafenwoehr Training Area (GTA) was created following the activation of the III Bavarian Army Corps in 1900 and in 1908, the training area was officially designated as Training Area Grafenwoehr. After WWII, U.S. Army Europe expanded the role and importance of the training area to meet the increased training needs, and it also increased the facilities to support the troops during training. A large buildup of Rose Barracks, Vilseck occurred in the mid 1980's with the construction of facilities to support a brigade size element which is now home to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment. 2001 brought the start of a buildup of Tower Barracks (Formerly East Camp) with new construction, realignment, and renovations to support a Brigade Combat Team (BCT), which was completed in FY12 and now houses two 173rd ABCT Battalions and supports Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) in support of the European Deterrence Initiative (EDI).
The Hohenfels Training Area (HTA) is named after the market town of Hohenfels. The German Army founded the training area in Hohenfels in 1938. In 1951, it became a U.S. Forces training area and was used primarily by U.S. Forces. In 1988, HTA became the home of the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC), with the mission to provide realistic force-on-force combined arms training exercises for the U.S. Army, Europe, and Seventh Army's maneuver battalion task forces. CMTC was transformed and officially named the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in December 2005. It is the largest U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) maneuver training area. In May 2014, USAG Hohenfels became a USAG Bavaria community.