Tower Barracks
DSN 569-7900, CIV 09641-70-569-7900
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed U.S. federal & German holidays
> Mission
Professional consultation and training to work organizations, managers, and team members who are seeking assistance to enhance the work environment and improve employee/team performance. Services include facilitation, coaching, constructive confrontation, and referral.
No one goes through life without problems. Relationship conflicts, challenges, disappointments or losses can affect a person’s quality of life, work performance and physical/emotional well-being.
- Short Term counseling
- Crisis Intervention
- Educational Training
- Community Resource Information
- Work Organization
- Civilian Wellness and Fitness Program
What We Do
EAP services are a benefit provided by USAG Bavaria free of charge. The EAP counselor focuses on short-term problem solving and intervention.
Depending on the problem, the EAP may determine that a person may benefit from longer term assistance with a specialist in the community in which case a referral will be coordinated. In the event a referral is recommended, your EAP will assist in the appropriate referral within the parameters of your insurance coverage. Your EAP Counselor will follow us with you to determine progress and satisfaction with the referral.
All USAG Bavaria Civilian employees, Contract and Local National Civilians, Military Retirees and dependent family members are eligible for EAP services. Military members may obtain a behavioral health referral by contacting the Behavioral Health clinic on your installation.
The EAP is a confidential service. Disclosure of any information to third parties is performed only with your written consent in compliance with professional and federal confidentiality guidelines.
New EAP Clients
For your convenience you may wish to download and complete the Screening Record and Limits of Confidentiality. Just print off the forms using the links below and bring them with you to your first EAP appointment. Your Counselor will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the forms.
Resources Provided to Supervisors
- Stress Management for Employees
- Stress Management for Supervisors
- Orientation to the EAP
- Reasonable Suspicion
- Observing Performance
- Documenting Performance
- Mastering Constructive Confrontation
- Evaluating Performance
- Resolving Coworker Conflicts
- Giving Feedback
- Delegating Work and Following Up
- Dispensing Discipline
- Inspiring and Praising Employees to Build Morale
- Building Your Team
- Communicating Effectively with Upper Management
- Investigating Complaints and Incidents Properly
- Managing Unfit-for-Duty Employees
- Acting to Prevent Violence