Training Courses
Field Service Representative
Provides Integrated Base Defense training focusing on Field Service Representatives (FSR). Students learn operation of Force Protection Systems, understanding of system capabilities, limitations and employment considerations, basic and advanced (10 Level) troubleshooting and to train other Soldiers on return to unit or if deployed.
Training Description:
- Ageon software configuration and operation
- Persistent Surveillance Systems
– Ground (PSS-G) Heavy
- Standard Ground Station (SGS) Lite
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) Star Safire III / 380HD Camera Sensors
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) Ranger R3D Long Range Doppler Radar
- Solar Stik Alternate Energy Source (AES)
- 5 Kw generator operations
- Persistent Surveillance Systems
– Ground (PSS-G) Medium
- Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network Systems (GREENS)
- Expendable Unattended Ground Sensors (E-UGS)
- 3 Kw generator operations
- Cerberus Scout Lite – Persistent Surveillance
- Rapid Deployment Integrated
Surveillance Systems (RDISS v5)
- Joint All-Hazards Common Control Station (JACCS) software configuration and operation
- CISCO router configuration and script management
- Networking and system interoperability
- Full simulations training suite
- Tower Lead Certification
- Maintenance tool familiarization: Fiber meters/testers, CATV testers, and digital multi-meters
Future training capabilities:
- Integrated Base Defense – Kitting (IBD-K)
- Entry Control Point (ECP)
- Full Motion Video (FMV)
Requirements and Information:
Cost: Unit pays TDY costs
Type: Field Service
Representative (FSR)
Audience: 5-10 students per
Length: 10 weeks per session
Location: TA 74A, Camp Falcon,
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Clearance Requirement: None
Provides Integrated BaseDefense training focusing on Operators. Courses can be tailored to meet unit needs.Students learn operation of Force Protection Systems, understanding of system capabilities,limitations and employment considerations and to train other Soldiers on returnto unit or if deployed.
Training Description:
- Ageon software operation
- Persistent Surveillance Systems– Ground (PSS-G) Heavy
- Standard Ground Station (SGS)Lite
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)Star Safire III / 380HD Camera Sensors
- Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)Ranger R3D Long Range Doppler Radar
- Solar Stik Alternate EnergySource (AES)
- 5 Kw generator operations
- Persistent Surveillance Systems– Ground (PSS-G) Medium
- Ground Renewable ExpeditionaryEnergy Network Systems (GREENS)
- 3 Kw generator operations
- Cerberus Scout Lite –Persistent Surveillance
- Rapid Deployment IntegratedSurveillance Systems (RDISS v5)
- Joint All-Hazards CommonControl Station (JACCS) software operation
- Full simulations training suite
- Tower Lead Certification
Future training capabilities:
- Integrated Base Defense –Kitting (IBD-K)
- Entry Control Point (ECP)
- Full Motion Video (FMV)
Requirements and Information:
Cost: Unit pays TDY costs
Type: Operator
Audience: 10-20 students persession
Length: 3 weeks per session(modular-fit to unit mission/needs)
Location: TA 74A, Camp Falcon,Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Clearance Requirement: None
Leadership and Command Briefs
Mission: Work with unit leaders and battle staffs to provide a common understanding of BETSS-C capabilities and limitations, as well as BETSS-C integration into mission planning in support of the commander’s intent.
1-2 hour training session comprised of:
- BETSS-C Overview
- Training End-State:
- Understand System Capabilities/Limitations
- Understand BETSS-C as a Force Multiplier
- Understand BETSS-C interoperability with other systems
- Understand Operator Training Opportunities
- Leave Behind materials for units: Safety Vignette, Training/Capabilities Overview Tri-Fold, Leader’s Smart Card, Theater POC (Help Desk, LNO, etc.), and reach-back contact data.