Day 1: Chief Warrant Officer 2 Michael Becker
Commander and Bandmaster, 399th Army Band
Day 2: Command Sgt. Maj. Randolph Delapena
MSCoE and Fort Leonard Wood Command Sergeant Major
Day 3: Col. Rich Ball
MSCoE Chief of Staff
Day 4: Mr. Gregg Thompson
MSCoE Deputy Commanding General
Day 5: Marine Col. Chuck Long and Sgt. Maj. John Maciel, Marine Corps Detachment command team and Navy Lt. Nicholas Gegg, Navy Det. Commander
Day 6: Air Force Lt. Col. Allan Branco and Command Master Sgt. Cassandra Nevins, 368th Training Squadron command team
Day 7: Col. Jeff Paine and Command Sgt. Maj Sean McGlensey
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood command team
Day 8: Col. Aaron Pitney and Command Sgt. Maj. John Castillo
General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital command team
Day 9: Brig. Gen. Daryl Hood and his spouse, Michele
U.S. Army CBRN School Commandant
Day 10: Col Niave Knell
U.S. Army Military Police School Commandant
Day 11: Brig. Gen. Mark Quander, Command Sgt. Maj. John Brennan and their spouses
U.S. Army Engineer School command team
Day 12: Brig. Gen. James Bonner and his wife, Debra
MSCoE and Fort Leonard Wood Commanding General