The primary objective of the DoD’s Natural Resources Conservation Program is to ensure continued access to land and airspace required to accomplish the military mission while maintaining these resources in a healthy and sustainable condition in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. To ensure that natural resources management and military mission activities are integrated and in agreement with federal and state laws, Fort Walker has prepared an Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP).
The Environmental Division helps quantify environmental encroachment vulnerabilities and assesses the use of external buffer zones to enhance testing and training capabilities protecting Army land through Army Compatible Use Buffer program partnerships.
Environmental also helps manage the Conservation Reimbursable Forestry and Fish and Wildlife conservation programs, which provide ecosystem level management that supports and enhances the land's ability to support each installation's respective military missionscape.
Finally, the Integrated Pest Management Program helps sustain infrastructure used for training, working and living by providing professional guidance to reduce or eliminate impact from all plant, insect, fungus and vertebrate pests on Soldiers and their families.