Bob McElroy
Fort Walker Public Affairs Officer

Fort Walker Range Officer Scott T. Kittle (left) briefed Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV today during his aerial tour of the installation.
New commanding general visits Fort Walker
Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, the new commanding general of The US Army Military District of Washington, and MDW Command Sgt. Maj. Richard A. Woodring visited Fort Walker today.
Following their flight Omar Jones and Woodring visited the Asymmetric Warfare Group Training Center, Warrior Barracks, Hopemont Housing Area and the garrison headquarters.
While here Jones and Woodring flew over the installation and viewed the ranges, training areas and facilities where America's Warriors sharpen their combat skills.
Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, the commanding general of The U.S. Army Military District of Washington (left) visited
#fortaphill today to see the ranges, training areas and facilities. He's shown here at the Asymmetric Warfare
Training Center with Fort Walker commander Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates (center) and Lt. Col. Zac Kerns, commander
of Easy Squadron, Asymmetric Warfare Group.
Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, the commanding general of The U.S. Army Military District of Washington
(second from left), visited Fort Walker today to see the ranges, training areas and facilities where America's
warriors sharpen their combat skills. Among the sites he visited was the Asymmetric Warfare Training Center.
Shown here, left to right are: Group Support Company commander Capt. Melissa N. Boissy, Jones, Lt. Col. Zac
Kerns, commander of Easy Squadron, Asymmetric Warfare Group, Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates, commander
Fort Walker and Mr. Steve Bickel, deputy to the garrison commander, Fort Walker.
Barracks Manager Mr. Jay Poirier (right) briefed Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV (left) at Wilcox Barracks during Jones'
visit here today. Also shown is Fort Walker commander Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates (behind Jones) and Mr. Rich Salyers, Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security.
When Brig. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV (center) visited Fort Walker today he stopped by the garrison headquarters to meet the installation's directors. Shown here are: Ms. Marcella A. Norris, Director of the Logistics Readiness Center, Ms. Lisa E. Skinner (shaking hands with Jones), Director of Resource Management, Director of Emergency Services David N. Carey and Fort Walker commander Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates.
Jones assumed command of MDW on June 4, he succeeded Maj. Gen. Michael L. Howard.