Mr. Brian Rush observes small-group study sessions. Photo credit Ms. Katrina Berg.
Fort Walker Command, Directors and Supervisors enrich communications skills with week-long classroom training.
FORT WALKER Va. – From January 29-February 1, the Fort Walker Garrison Leadership team was immersed in a 3-day training workshop that focused on effective leadership and communication using the Maxwell DISC (Dominant, Influential, Steady and Compliant) method of identifying behavior patterns. The training, in an effort to assist leaders in building stronger connections, win with their people, and increase their influence with employees, provides a systematic way to improve the leader-employee relationship.

Taught by Maxwell Leadership and DISC Certified Trainers Mr. Brian Rush (Fort Leonard Wood Management Analyst) and Ms. Farrow Overman (Fort Leonard Wood Workforce Development Specialist), the training began with leaders taking an initial personality assessment, a comprehensive discussion with workshops on the 4 basic personality types and the behavioral and communicative styles associated with each type. This was followed by a detailed discussion on how these characteristics impact how we communicate, understand, and respond to others.
The workshop included creative teambuilding exercises, brainteasing games, various roleplay scenarios, and interactive discussions and forum, all of which were impactful and left a lasting impression on Garrison leaders that will serve as a tool in guiding and inspiring our teams both now and in the future.

At the conclusion of the training Lt. Col. Jason Duffy, Fort Walker Garrison Commander remarked, “I’m proud of our Workforce Development team who arranged for this DISC training to be facilitated here. This kind of training is an investment in our supervisors – so that they have the necessary tools and skills to be successful mentors and leaders of our most valuable asset – our PEOPLE!
Article and Photos - Chris Hall
Photos - Ms. Katrina Berg