Bob McElroy
Fort Walker Public Affairs Officer

U.S. Army Garrison Fort Walker commander Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates joined Veterans and community at the annual Memorial Day commemoration in the Bowling Green Town Hall.
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Walker commander Lt. Col. Michael E. Gates joined Veterans and community members to honor the fallen today at the annual Memorial Day commemoration in the Bowling Green Town Hall.
During his keynote address, Gates said that Memorial Day honors those who fell in wars past. Citing Virginia's 116th Infantry Regiment, which lost hundreds of Soldiers during World War II, Gates said that Virginians understand the cost of freedom and will never forget. He added that the sacrifices continue: two Special Forces Soldiers from Virginia died this year fighting in Afghanistan.
Following his remarks Gates joined Mr. Clayton T. Forehand, the Chairman of the Caroline County Board of Supervisors, to present certificates to several local Veterans in honor of their service.
The ceremony concluded with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque, the laying the wreath by members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the playing of "Taps."