Fort Walker Garrison Commander's bio and photo.
Fort Walker Command Sergeant Major bio and photo.
Fort Walker Deputy Garrison Commander, bio and photo.

Commander's Hot-line email

Commander's Welcome  

Welcome to Fort Walker - The best training and support... anywhere! This is your starting point to tour our installation’s full array of opportunities to deliver adaptive training and base operations support to ensure mission readiness for today’s dynamic environment.


Established in 1941, Fort Walker​​​​​​​ is a premier all-purpose, year-round, training destination supporting the Joint Force and Interagency partners. Encompassing nearly 76,000 acres of diverse terrain, including a 27,000 acre live-fire complex, Fort Walker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ is postured to meet all training and range qualification requirements for full spectrum operations. Our professional staff prides itself on delivering quality services and stands ready to assist your training, support and recreation activities.


Beyond the gates of our installation, Fort Walker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ is honored to collaborate with our partner communities in an enduring relationship of mutual support. Hospitality, generosity, and kindness are just a few of the words describing these great communities.


Please review this site to learn more about Fort Walker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and the exceptional opportunities available here. We are confident that Fort Walker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ provides the best training and support anywhere. Finally, let us know how we are doing simply by clicking on an "ICE" comment link throughout this site.