PRE-RETIREMENT BRIEFING:  Pre-Retirement Briefings are held on Fort Belvoir on the first or second Wednesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November) at the Barden Education Center from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  You must contact the Retirement Services Officer to register and confirm the date at 703-806-4551/4084.  Soldiers may wear civilian clothes, and spouses are welcome to attend.  Soldiers may attend the Pre-Retirement Briefings at any installation. 

RETIREE COUNCIL MEETINGS: The Fort Belvoir Retiree Council is composed of retired military community volunteers from Fort Belvoir and outlying areas.  As a member your knowledge and expertise will prove very beneficial to the retirement community.  Your task is to provide input to the installation retiree council and be the eyes and ears for the Garrison Commander on any problems affecting the retiree community.  In general, the council meets six times per year on the third Thursday of Feburuary, April, June, August, October, and December at 10 a.m., time and place to be determined.  If you have any questions, please contact the Retirement Service Officer, (703) 806-4551.

The Army Retirement Services Office develops Army policy and oversees Army programs worldwide that prepare Soldiers and their Families for retirement, assist survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty, and serve Retired Soldiers, surviving spouses, and their Families until death in order to comply with federal laws, encourage Retired Soldiers to be Soldiers For Life, and improve recruiting and retention. In accordance with AR 600-8-7, Army Retirement Services develops Army policy and procedures for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program; publishes Echoes, the newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses and their families; develops policy for the operation of the Army Retirement Services Program; and administers the Army Chief of Staff's (CSA) Retiree Council.