IMCOM FOIA Requester Service Center
What is a FOIA Request?
A FOIA request is a written request for Department of Defense records, made by "any person", enforceable in court, including a member of the public (U.S. or Foreign citizen), an organization, or a business. Requests may also be made through an attorney or other representative on behalf of "any person", to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from disclosure by one of nine exemptions.
How to submit an IMCOM and MWR FOIA Request
- Must be made in accordance with the agency's published regulations
- Describe the specific records you are requesting
- Willingness to pay fees regardless of the fee category, request must be in writing
- Requestor's Sample Letter
- Fees explained
What is a FOIA Requester Service Center?
FOIA Requester Service Centers were established to serve as the first place the requestor may contact to seek information (see link below). The IMCOM/MWR FOIA Requester Service Center is the primary contact source for FOIA requests for records pertaining to operations and management of IMCOM/MWR activities. Hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central Time, Monday thru Friday (Closed Federal Holidays).
IMCOM/MWR FOIA Status Request?
Each federal agency is responsible for meeting FOIA requirements for its own records. IMCOM/MWR FOIA requesters, who have questions concerning the status of their request, or the agency's response, should refer to the IMCOM/MWR Liaison Officer (accessible from this page), to determine where best to check your FOIA status request.