"A Winning Team with One Mission"

Mission Statement: Direct and coordinate installation garrison operations and training support activities while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, operational planning and emergency operations functions, to provide a focused training environment for all Fort Walker tenants, and our partner organizations.

Vision: A team of flexible and responsible professionals, dedicated to providing the best possible service to units and individuals serving our Nation.

Directorate Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS):  Directs, coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates installation operations and training support activities, while providing force protection, mobilization and demobilization, reserve component training support, force modernization, operational planning, and emergency operations functions to provide a focused operating and training environment for the Senior Commander and tenant organizations.

Core Capabilities

Provide mission command for emergency management response and consequence management operations

  • Synchronizes internal and external activities in support of force protection
  • Provide manned and unmanned aerial systems training opportunities
  • Support Reserve Component Training
  • Supervise the execution of Antiterrorism and Emergency Management Programs
  • Manage personnel security, information security, industrial security, and security training
Fort Walker Antiterrorism Office
Located in Southeastern Virginia, Fort Walker can experience natural disasters, which include flash floods, severe weather storms, wildland fires, and earthquakes the Emergency Management Office assists with training, planning and execution of pre and post-event coordination.
The Integrated Training Area Management program is a core program of the Army’s Sustainable Range Program and is responsible for maintaining the land to help the Army to meet its training requirements.
The Fort Walker Operations Branch coordinates and synchronizes day to day and future operations for the garrison while maintaining situational awareness across the entire installation and area of responsibility.
The Fort Walker Plans and Operations Division is the nexus for synchronizing installation operations and emergency planning activities. We coordinate tenant and non-tenant support, conduct training and exercises while providing mission command functions during emergencies and eliminate duplication of efforts.
The Fort Walker Plans Branch develops, coordinates publication and implementation of short and long range planning consistent with our Senior Commander, United States Army Installation Management Command, and operation plans, goals, and guidance.
US Army Garrison Fort Walker Regional Support Training Center provide army field training, military training, joint force premier all-purpose, year-round training destination, diverse terrain, live fire complex, training and range qualification requirements, and more.
The Fort Walker Regional Training Support Center provides a variety of training aids, devices, simulators and simulations, as well as relevant and responsive training support, enabling commanders to accomplish training objectives, standards and successfully operate across an ever-evolving full spectrum of conflict.
Fort Walker Security Office manages the Garrison Personnel Security, Information Security, Industrial Security and Security Education and Training programs.
The Sustainable Range Program is the Army’s overall approach for improving the way in which it designs, manages, and uses its ranges.
The Fort Walker Training Division provides customers with training opportunities and meeting their mission requirements.