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24/7 Hotline (785) 307-9400

Equal Opportunity Leaders (EOL) Course

LOCATION: Bldg. 77680, Classroom 1, Armistead Street

LENGTH: 6 days, 60 hours, 0900-1900

PURPOSE: To train qualified Officers and NCO's as Battalion and Company level Equal Opportunity Leaders who will advise and assist Commanders in the implementation and assessment of their EO programs.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Equal Opportunity Leaders (EOLs) assist Commanders at the Battalion-level and below in carrying out the Equal Opportunity Program within their units.


  • Have a minimum of one year remaining at Fort Riley or assigned to the unit requesting the training of an EOL upon completion of the course.
  • Be able to assist commanders in addressing EO climate detractors.
  • Be in the grade of SGT (P) -CPT.
  • Be motivated and capable of performing EO duties.
  • Possess strong leadership qualities and good communication skills.
  • Be of good morals and character with no adverse action pending or processed.
  • Be able to assist the commander in the conduct of unit climate assessments.
  • Be prepared to assist the commander in the conduct of EO training
  • Willing to establish and maintain liaison with other EOLs and with the EOA at higher headquarters.
  • Be able to assist the commander and assigned project officers in preparing and conducting ethnic observances and special commemorations.
  • Be able to assist complainants by referring them to the appropriate agency for assistance. Complaints referred to another agency will be reported to the EOA. EOLs may not conduct investigations and are not trained to fully advise AR 15-6 investigating officers in their conduct of EO complaint investigations.
  • Be able to serve as a resource person for EO matters in the unit.

ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS: No Later Than two weeks prior to class start date, submit FR Form 28 signed by the proper Approving Officials within the Chain of Command. Students will be issued handouts and note-takers for guidance throughout the course. Race, ethnicity, or gender should not be a driving factor in selecting an EOL for attendance at this course. Students will need to report with their Duty Appointment Orders and a Memorandum from their Company Commander acknowledging your attendance in the course and that he/she has released the student to attend the course for the required duration. A standby list will be prepared during in-processing for those who do not have a reservation in ATRRS. Seats will be filled from no-shows in order to fill remaining seats.

POINT OF CONTACT: 1ID Senior EOA, (785) 239-3357.


  • 1st Qtr OCT 16-24
  • 2nd Qtr 29 JAN – 6 FEB MAR 4-12
  • 3rd Qtr APR 8-16
  • 4th Qtr JUL 15-23 SEP 9-1