Command Sgt. Maj. Kristin D. Hughes, 1-210th Aviation Regiment

Command Sgt. Maj. Kristin D. Hughes was born in Phenix City, Alabama. She joined the Army on July 17, 1996, attending basic combat training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and Military Occupational Specialist training at Fort Rucker, Alabama, becoming a certified 15P, Aviation Operations Specialist.

Hughes has held several leadership positions and served in a multitude of leadership roles and organizations. She served as squad leader in 45th Medical Company (Air Ambulance) Ansbach, Germany; drill sergeant, A Co., 1/13th Aviation Regiment, Fort Rucker; platoon sergeant, Headquarters Services Company, 3d Military Intelligence Battalion, Camp Humphreys, Korea; brigade S3 NCOIC and Headquarters Headquarters Company brigade first sergeant, 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, Fort Gordon, Georgia; detachment sergeant for Strategic Counterintelligence Directorate- Afghanistan (SCID-A) Kabul, Afghanistan; senior operations NCOIC, Forces Command (FORSCOM) Fort McPherson, Georgia, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina; first sergeant, Headquarters Headquarters Company, 2-25th Aviation Regiment, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; F Co., 3-25 GSAB Schofield Barracks; first sergeant, C Troop, 4-6 Heavy Attack Reconnaissance Squadron, and unmanned aircraft system committee chief, 2-13th Aviation Regiment, Fort Huachuca, Arizona; battalion command sergeant major at the Attack Helicopter Flight School ,1st Battalion, 14th Aviation Regiment at Fort Rucker.

Hughes has completed a variety of military schools and civilian education: all levels of primary military education to include Unit Victims Advocate for Sexual Harassment/Assault and Prevention Program (SHARP), Drill Sergeant School, Battle Staff Course, Joint Firepower Course, First Sergeant Course, Unmanned Aircraft System Commander Staff Officer Course, Master Resilience Trainer, Battalion CDR/CSM Pre-Command Course, graduate of the United States Army Sergeant Major Academy Class 68, and McConville Center Strategic Broadening Seminar at the University of Louisville. She holds an associate’s degree in general studies from Central Texas College, a Bachelor of Science from Excelsior College, a Master of Science in organizational leadership from Trident University, and is currently pursuing doula birth training and lactation certification.

Hughes has deployed in support of Operations Joint Endeavor and Joint Guardian (1996-1997), KFOR (1999), Operation Enduring Freedom (2009) and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (2016-2017).

Hughes has been awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (4), Army Accommodation Medal (8), Army Achievement Medal (8), Army Good Conduct Medal (8), National Defense Service Medal, German weapon proficiency badge Schutzenschnur (Silver),Kosovo Campaign, Honorable Order of St. Michael (Bronze) Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Drill Sergeant Instructor Badge and Master Aviation Crewmember Badge.