The 164th Theater Airfield Operations Group provides airspace and air traffic services support and expertise to Army warfighters, major commands and installations worldwide.
Air Traffic Services Command provides airspace and air traffic services support and expertise to Army warfighters, major commands and installations worldwide.
At war and in peacetime, the Exchange provides Soldiers and Airmen with the services and merchandise they need to make their lives more comfortable. The Exchange also maintains services and support to family members and troops back home.
The AMCOM Combined Logistics Command provides full spectrum maintenance, supply and contractor oversight in order to ensure availability for all Aviation training mission requirements in support of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Novosel and Fort Benning.
The Civilian Personall Advisory Center provides the personnel administrative needs of the civilian employees of Fort Novosel.
The Department of Aviation Medicine is the Army’s center for all rotary wing aeromedical training for Aviators and aeromedical personnel.
The Logistics Readiness Center provides logistical and technical support for the Standard Army Management Information System, quality assurance, command supply discipline program, awards program, hazardous materials management plan, contract administration budget and management controls.
Lyster Army Health Clinic serves about 17,500 patients, including permanent-party Soldiers, Soldiers attending short-term schools, foreign Soldiers, Family members, and Retirees and their Family members.
Medical Evacuation Concepts and Capabilities Division (MECCD) serves as the Capability Developer for Army Medical Evacuation and develops medical evacuation operational concepts and capability requirements.
Mission and Installation Contracting Command, Fort Novosel ensures the installation's needs are met through the acquisition of supplies, services and construction.
The Network Enterprise Center provides Fort Novosel and all tenants with world class sustaining base, common user, information technology services of automation, telecommunications, and information assurance.
TMDE Support Center-Fort Novosel is this area’s support center for Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment.
U.S. Army Trial Defense Service provides specified defense counsel services for Army personnel, whenever required by law or regulation and authorized by the Judge Advocate General or her designee.
The U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory's research focuses on aircrew health and performance; blunt, blast, and accelerative injury and protection; crew survival in military helicopters and combat vehicles; en route care; and sensory performance, injury, and protection.
The U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center serves as the single source of safety and occupational health information for Soldiers, DA Civilians and contractor employees across the force.
Brown Dental Clinic is a 22-chair dental clinic and dental laboratory designed to provide First Term Dental Readiness care to the Initial Entry Training Soldiers as well as Readiness and Wellness care for permanent party Soldiers.
The U.S. Army SERE School conducts the SERE Level–C Course in accordance with Joint and Army Personnel Recovery Doctrine in order to train service members, DOD Civilians, and contractors who are identified as being at high risk of isolation on the Code of Conduct and tactics, techniques, and procedures of survival, escape, resistance, and evasion, enabling them to survive isolation and captivity to “Return with Honor.”
The U.S. Army Warrant Officer Career College educates and trains warrant officers to solve problems using mission command while applying their technical expertise in support of leaders on tactical, operations, and strategic level staffs during operations in complex and uncertain operational environments.
The 23d Flying Squadron Air Education and Training Command is the U.S. Air Force's primary source of helicopter pilots for special operations, combat search and rescue, missile support, and distinguished visitor airlift missions.