Army Knowledge Online [AKO] - The Army's portal -- logon with your CAC or username and password for all things Army.

Army Publishing Directorate - Source for Army Regulations, Department of Army Pamphlets and Circulars, and PureEdge Forms.

Aviation Staff and Faculty Development Branch - This website presents a wealth of information for the instructor, course developer, instructional systems specialist, and supervisors.

Center for Army Lessons Learned - After action reports, lesson learned and bulletins. You must register to use the restricted area of this database.

Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Leave and Earning statements, W-2 and other financial documents. You must have a password for the MyPay database

Defense Travel System - Central site for all travel management, including TDY, commercial and government air travel, lodging, travel card information, etc.

DoD Dictionary of Military Terms - Dictionary of Military terms, abbreviations and acronyms

Joint Electronic Library - Joint Publications, training manuals, joint doctrine and multinational publications

Joint Technical Data Integration - Single sign-on portal for worldwide access to authoritative technical information for the Utility Helicopter Project Office, AH-64 A/D PM and the 128th Aviation Brigade.

USAMC Logistics Support Agency (LOGSA) - Electronic training manuals, readiness and supply support, property accountability, and MORE - requires registration for access to restricted materials

Reimer Digital Library and Army Training Information Architecture (ATIA) - Training publications including Field Manuals, Technical Manuals, Training Support Packages, and Army Warrior Tasks. Use your AKO login and password for access.

Training and Doctrine Command - TRADOC publications, links to centers and schools

U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center/Safety Center - Safety briefings, links to safety training and risk management course, reports and statistics for Army aircraft and vehicles accidents

U.S. Army Human Resources Command - Officer and Enlisted records, career information, and promotion information

U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory - Aviation medical and statistical reports indexed by subject