The Transition Assistance Program provides transition and employment assistance to Soldiers and their adult family members who are transitioning from active duty, veterans and retirees, and DOD civilian employees in a reduction-in-force status. Pre-separation planning includes benefits information, job search skills development, career guidance, job search assistance and other guidance relevant to a thorough transition.

Why is TAP Important?

In addition to giving vital direction to one's transition, pre-separation planning through TAP is Congressionally mandated by public law 107-103 Public Law 107-103 and the VOW Act, 21 Nov 12. That means that all separating Soldiers, regardless of rank or component, who have at least 180 days of continuous Active Duty service are required to complete all VOW Act requirements by attending all TAP core courses, the Department of Labor Employment Workshop, and VA Benefits briefings within the VOW Act timelines. Most of the VOW Act requirements can be accomplished by attending a 5-day employment workshop soon after completing your initial pre-separation counseling.

As a result, your installation will not let you clear until you have received this training. A completed DD Form 2648, which you will receive from your supporting TAP Center, is your proof that you have received the required counseling. Soldiers cannot clear Fort Novosel without this checklist. Retiring Soldiers can begin using TAP two years prior to retirement; Soldiers who are separating can begin using TAP up to 18 months prior to ETS.

How Do I Get Started?

1. Self-registration and completion of Initial assessment at . Service member user guide can be downloaded at

2. Contact TAP Novosel at 334-255-2558 or go to Bldg. 5700 Room 280 to schedule Individualized Initial Counseling  (IIC). If you are outside the 50 mile radius, you can call Virtual Center (open 24/7) at 1-800-325-4715.

3. During IIC, you will be provided all requirements that you need to complete the program and schedule your mandatory and optional classes.




TAP Office(334) 255-2558
Reenlistments(334) 255-6512
Reserve Component(334) 255-9120
VA Benefits Advisor(334) 255-2085


5-Day TAP Week Workshops

Registration is required for the TAP workshops after completing IIC and Pre-separation Counseling. Please call (334) 255-2558 to register.