Welcome to Fort Novosel

All new Soldiers reporting during duty hours will report to the Welcome Center, Bldg 5700, 2nd Floor, Room 280. Soldiers reporting during non-duty hours will call 334-255-3100 or 334-255-9777 for additional instructions.

All active duty, permanent party personnel newly assigned or attached to units, directorates and activities associated with Fort Novosel will attend the ACS Newcomers' Welcome held every third Friday of the month. This is a mandatory program with attendance by Soldiers required no later than two months after arrival. Family members, civilian employees, and contractors are strongly encouraged to attend.

Free childcare is available at the Child Development Center when reservations are made no less than 24 hours prior to the event; call (334) 255-3564 to make reservations. Children must first be registered with Parent Central Registration at (334) 255-9638.

For more information, call the Relocation Readiness Office at (334) 255-3735.


Newcomers Brief

Newly arriving Soldiers must  attend the Newcomer’s Welcome brief and report completion to their command group. For additional information, click the link below or contact Relocation Readiness at (334) 255-3735.


Gate Hours and Access Control Points

Ozark, Enterprise and Daleville Gates are open 24/7. For more information, call (334) 255-0607 or visit our gate access procedures and visitor section.

3Rs Awareness: Recognize, Retreat, Report

Everyone is reminded to follow the 3Rs of Explosives Safety while enjoying the various outdoor areas on Fort Novosel. Munitions are designed to be dangerous. Military personnel use our lands and waters across the United States for live-fire training and testing to defend our nation. As a result, ammo may be present on both land and in the water. No matter what you call it — ammo, explosives, UXO, duds or souvenirs — remember munitions are dangerous and can explode if approached, touched, moved or disturbed. Learn and follow the 3Rs (Recognize, Retreat, Report) of Explosives Safety, to protect yourself, your family, friends and community from the potential dangers associated with the presence of munitions.


Recognize - when you may have encountered a munition and that munitions are dangerous.

Retreat – do not approach, touch, move or disturb it, but carefully leave the area.

Report – call 911 if Off Post.  On Training Ranges call Range Operations at (334) 255-4303.

Local Area Hazard Training

Whether this is your first time at Fort Novosel, or you’ve had multiple rotations through for training, it is important for you to be aware of hazards in our area of the Wiregrass. This course is required for all personnel newly assigned to Fort Novosel. Here’s what you will learn:

  • 3Rs: Recognize, Retreat Report. The hazards of unexploded ordnance, or UXO, how to recognize them, and how to report UXO if you find them.
  • All Training Areas are restricted access. For your safety, the installation limits running, jogging, biking, swimming and walking to authorized areas.
  • Heat safety. Even during spring, heat can take a toll on the body.
  • The Army Traffic Safety Training Program is applicable to all DoD personnel.
  • Local driving hazards. What to do if you encounter wildlife, when to stop for school busses, installation roadways prone to flooding, etc.
  • Severe weather awareness.

download the brief here.