The Fort Novosel Public Affairs Office is responsible for all aspects of command information, media relations and community relations pertaining to the installation. Garrison public affairs professionals disseminate information to Soldiers, Families and Fort Novosel employees on the installation as well as to our surrounding communities that make up the Wiregrass region. PAO produces the installation digital newspaper, the army flier and manages all digital media content including the installation website, Facebook and Twitter.
News organizations interested in covering the mission and events at Fort Novosel or filming on the installation must coordinate with PAO by calling (334) 255-2551.
Groups from the civilian community who wish to tour the installation should coordinate their visits with PAO. Requests for speakers, Soldier participation at community events, and display of military equipment should also be coordinated through the PAO by calling (334) 255-2551.
Command Information
The Command Information Division produces the army flier, a bimonthly digital publication that comes out in the middle and end of each month. The division also produces news articles and briefs, photographs, features and information pieces on Fort Novosel people, happenings, services and agencies for use on the installation’s website and social media platforms.
Command Information’s mission is to support leadership’s efforts to keep Soldiers, family members, retirees, Department of the Army civilians, and contractors working on Fort Novosel informed.
People with article ideas, or suggestions for improving command information products, can call (334) 255-1239 or send an email to
Social Media
The Fort Novosel PAO manages the fort novosel & avcoe facebook page
Community Engagement
The Fort Novosel Public Affairs Office works closely with local organizations, city and government officials, chambers of commerce and communities surrounding Fort Novosel to foster positive working relationships with the people of the Wiregrass.
PAO helps arrange visits for organized groups. Requests for speakers and Soldier participation in community events are coordinated through the Public Affairs Office.
Community Engagement can be reached by calling (334) 255-2551.
Return all completed forms to
Visiting Fort Novosel
Organized groups, such as veterans, school and community groups should contact the community relations officer at (334) 255-2474. Group visits may be arranged at Fort Novosel facilities on weekdays except federal holidays and days of no scheduled activities.
To request a visit, complete this request form and submit it via e-mail or mail it to:
Fort Novosel & AVCOE
Attn: Public Affairs Office
5700 Novosel St, Suite 373
Fort Novosel, AL 36362
Visitors coming to Fort Novosel who do not have a form of DOD-issued identification are subject to a background check in order to obtain a Visitor Access Badge before they are allowed to enter the installation. click here for information on obtaining a visitor's badge.
Media Relations
The Fort Novosel Public Affairs Office works with newspaper, television, radio and magazine reporters, and book authors to provide information about the installation, its people and operations to members of the community at large. Fort Novosel policy requires that all news media be escorted when on the installation.
Media Relations can be reached by calling (334) 255-2551.