The Directorate of Human Resources provides human resource support and services to the garrison, providing a quality of life for Soldiers, family members and civilians commensurate with their service. Overarching programs include military personnel, casualty assistance, continuing education, substance abuse prevention, administrative services and workforce development.

Our vision is to assist in the personnel readiness of assigned units, to support Soldiers' personal needs, and to train and develop the garrison civilian workforce while constantly remaining customer focused.

Privacy Act Statement: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and Freedom of Information Act, the Directorate of Human Resources and its divisions are not authorized to disclose Soldier or government employee information to third parties — to include spouses and family — unless they have a valid general or special power of attorney.


Administrative Services is responsible for providing overall support and serving as the principal Fort Novosel advisor for records management and printing, publications, and forms management.
The Army Substance Abuse Program provides the substance abuser assistance, with the ultimate objective to restore them to full and productive performance.
As a part of the Army Continuing Education System, the Fort Novosel Education Center's mission is "To vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services."
The Freedom of Information Act is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.
The Military Personnel Division provides the installation capabilities and services to support expeditionary operations in a time of persistent conflict and to provide a quality of life for Soldiers and Families commensurate with their service.
Our motto: "We are here to serve you."
Privacy and Civil Liberties Program
The Transition Assistance Program is a mandated course for transitioning Soldiers, and is also available to Army Family members, Veterans, retired Soldiers, and Department of the Army civilians. TAP teaches resume writing, job interview preparation, and connects Soldiers to civilian opportunities.
The Workforce Development mission is to develop and maintain an engaged, cohesive, effective, adaptive and customer-focused workforce committed to professional development, progress and sustainability.