Articles prepared for Aviation Digest should relate directly to Army aviation or reflect a subject that directly relates to the aviation professional. Submit the article to the Aviation Digest mailbox at Please note that Aviation Digest does not accept previously published work or simultaneous submissions. This prevents an overlap of material in like publications with a similar or same audience.

Please submit articles via MS Word document format. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. Include a brief biography (50 word maximum) with your article. We invite military authors to include years of military service, significant previous assignments, and aircraft qualifications in their biographies.

Aviation Digest editorial style guidelines follow the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th edition; however, Digest staff will incorporate all necessary grammar, syntax, and style corrections to the text to meet publication standards and redesign visual materials for clarity, as necessary. These changes may be coordinated with the authors to ensure the content remains accurate and reflects the author’s original thoughts and intent.

Visual materials such as photographs, drawings, charts, or graphs supporting the article should be included as separate enclosures. Please include credits with all photographs. All visual materials should be high-resolution images (preferably set at a resolution of 300 ppi) saved in TIFF or JPEG format. Do not submit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or Classified images as they will be rejected.

Non-military authors should submit authorization for Aviation Digest to print their material. This can be an email stating that Aviation Digest has permission to print the submitted article. Additionally, the author should provide a separate comment indicating that there is no copyright restriction on the use of the submitted material.

Write the Editor

Do you have a different perspective on an article published in Aviation Digest? Do you have a suggestion for a topic of discussion? The Aviation Digest editor would love to hear from you! As the Army Aviation Branch's professional bulletin, one of our primary objectives is to provide a process that encourages discussion on important topics within the aviation community. Your opinion counts. To facilitate productive conversations on topics, we need your input. Pick up a pen or grab your keyboard and write us a letter explaining your opinion.

You can send us a letter at:

Army Aviation Digest Editor
Bldg. 4507, Suite 309
Andrews Avenue
Fort Novosel, Alabama 36362