Aviation WOILE (Follow On) is designed for senior warrant officers serving at the battalion echelon or higher. This course explores the senior warrant officers roles within the Aviation branch, to include mission, and functions of force design/development, system integration, doctrine, funding, and modernization to meet the Army's requirement through manning, equipping, and training the warfighter. In addition, the aviation warfighter will be updated on aviation functions, processes, current and emerging TTPs and threats.

This WOILE Aviation branch-specific follow-on course is required to ensure intermediate level aviation warrant officers receive the latest technical/functional PME within their career field. The Military Education Level Code "Q" for WOILE will not be awarded until course 1-250-C8 (NS) and this Aviation branch technical follow-on course are completed.

To attend WOILE-FO, enroll in ATRRS under AVIATION WOILE (FOLLOW ON), Course 2C-FOS-C8.