Founded in 1922, Post 743 is the only “Aviation” American Legion Post. Post 743 is seeking nominations for its prestigious, federally recognized, annual aviators’ valor award. The award recognizes acts of aerial valor, in or out of combat, and offers it to all of the military services. Nominees must be rated aviators who have accomplished a conspicuous act of valor or courage during aerial flight within the calendar year. Nominees must be active duty Army or National Guard/Reserve serving on active duty. Civilian employees of the Army are not eligible. The American Legion recognizes that extraordinary aviation feats often require the efforts of an entire crew. However, they ask that nominations be limited to that single aviator who best exemplifies the heroism of the entire crew.

The winner will be invited to attend the Post 743 annual awards banquet in New York. The awards banquet is typically held in May. The American Legion Post has generously offered to pay all travel and accommodation fees for the winner and their spouse or one military representative.

Nominations should include a narrative of the valorous act (not to exceed three pages), the citation to accompany the award (no more than a half page), biographical data (not to exceed two pages), and a photograph of the nominee. The typed documents must double spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. ALL NOMINATION PACKETS MUST BE UNCLASSIFIED.  The winner will be determined by a selection board at Fort Novosel and approved by the Commander, AVCOE.

AVCOE is the Army’s executive agent for the award process. AVCOE G1 is the action office for the award process for AVCOE. Please send inquiries to USARMY.NOVOSEL.AVNCOE.LIST.CMD-G1-AWARDS@ARMY.MIL.


The AVCOE point of contact is:

Bldg. 5700 Novosel Street, Rm. 220
Fort Novosel, AL 36362
(334) 255-0949 or 255-0955