The Directorate of Simulation plans, coordinates, implements and manages live, virtual, constructive, gaming and mission command efforts that support institutional initial military training, professional military education and select training readiness requirements. DOS conducts simulation-based training for Soldiers, NCOs, warrant officers and officers participating in 13 separate, frequently-recurring course capstone multi-day exercises totaling over 130 exercises a year.
DOS serves as the AVCOE executive agent for the management of the Flight School XXI simulation services contract that enables 80,000 simulated flight hours per year.
In accordance with AR 5-11, Management of Army Models and Simulations, DOS serves as the simulator accreditation executive agent for the AVCOE commanding general for 414 flight simulators (rotary-wing, air traffic control, and unmanned aerial systems) to ensure they can safely meet aircrew training task standards when fielded, modified, and sustained.
DOS advises the AVCOE command group on issues related to training aids, devices, simulations and simulators.
Director, Directorate of Simulation
COL Steven B Waldrop was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Aviation in 1998. Following graduation, he became a Regular Army Aviation Officer and Attack Helicopter Pilot. He holds a Baccalaureate Degree in Systems Management from the University of Alabama, a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the Air Command & Staff College. READ MORE
Deputy Director, Directorate of Simulation
Kevin D. Hottell was a member of the Washington Army National Guard for over four years, originally enlisting to be a carpentry/ masonry specialist. He held enlisted assignments as a wire communications specialist, M-60 machine gunner, and mechanized infantry dismount team leader. After commissioning in 1982, he was a mechanized infantry platoon leader, and later detachment commander. Upon graduation from Washington State University, Hottell was selected for Aviation Branch and attended the Aviation Officer’s Basic Course, Air Assault School, and flight... READ MORE